Tarot and Cosmetics

July 3rd, 2011 § 0 comments

nail polist

I have a huge collection of nail polish, all sorts of colours, in glitters, metallics and satins. And though I don’t always wear it, when I do, I typically choose my colours based on the Tarot.

For instance, I might pick a sky blue to attract the energy of the High Priestess, or scarlet for the Emperor. If I want to feel sword-like, I’ll choose a metallic silver, or a rich green for grounded pentacle power.

Sometimes I let the deck choose, asking ‘what energy could I use today?’ Then I find a colour in the card that’s in my collection (and works with my outfit) and paint it on.

It’s fun, like my fingers and toes become little magic wands. Or at the very least, reminders of the energy I’m trying to manifest.

As you can imagine then, it was a delight to come across this video from a lady who calls herself Singed Momma.

She’s a make-up artist who took inspiration from the Osho Zen Tarot for her Face of the Day eye design.

She used the greens and yellows from the Courage card as her guide, and the results are fabulous. Check it out.

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