Tarot Card of the Day – 11/19/12

November 19th, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink

#10 The Wheel of Fortune from Georgie's Tarot

#10 Wheel of Fortune

Monday, November 19, 2012
Wheel of Fortune

Do it now!  It’s a fantastic day to get going on whatever project (especially a new one) you’ve been thinking about.  Opportunities abound for you to finally move forward with your plan.

Don’t be afraid if you think you can’t do it?  You’ve been spending plenty of time thinking about it.  Look close, you’ll see you have all you need to make it work.

The only thing that will slow you down is doing things the same old way.  Start fresh now.  You’re ready to go. 

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Cat with Cards

November 18th, 2012 § 4 comments § permalink

And for your Sunday viewing pleasure, a cat with cards …

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Moon in Aquarius – High Priestess in the Star's Clothing

November 18th, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink

High Priestess in Star's Clothing

High Priestess in Star’s Clothing

The Moon moves into Aquarius today and stays there until Tuesday.

Described in Tarot cards, this transit would be like the High Priestess is dressed as the Star. In other words, her robes are gone and she’s naked as the bird in the tree behind her.

The Moon in Aquarius, or High Priestess in the Star’s clothing, can sometimes be emotionally stressful. Hope may be in the air, but it’s a cautious hope.

Emotionally you feel like sharing, bubbling over with dreams for the future. But your mind keeps getting in the way, reminding you that dreams can sometimes be nightmares.

Try not to spend what could be a nice time double guessing yourself or listing off all the reasons things could go wrong. They might. But they probably won’t.

Be real, but not a wet blanket. Rather than smothering your dreams, direct them with intelligence.

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Tarot Card of the Day – 11/18/12

November 18th, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink

8 of Disks from Georgie's Tarot

8 of Disks

Sunday, November 18, 2012
8 of Disks

Get down to work. Nothing exciting going on, except maybe the chance to get more done than you thought you would.

Follow the template and don’t worry about being particularly innovative today. It’s probably more important to just get it done.

To motivate yourself try remembering that what you’re working on now is setting you up for your future. Put in the effort and it’ll ultimately pay off.

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Mars in Capricorn – Tower Strikes the Devil's Lair

November 17th, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink

Mars in Capricorn, the Tower's Lightening Strikes the Devil

Mars moves into Capricorn today and will stay there until December 26th.

Looking at this transit from a Tarot point of view, it’s like the Tower’s lightening is striking the Devil’s lair.

When the Tower appears, it always bring surprises with it, especially for those who think they’ve got things under control.

It’s not causing trouble for trouble’s sake, but when ideas or situations become too entrenched to grow with change, the Tower swoops in to clear the air. It’s not always pretty, but it always gets things moving.

It’s important to remember though, that the Tower does provide an enlightenment of sorts, it’s just one that usually comes from out of nowhere, and can knock you off your feet for a moment.

Unlike the Tower, the Devil is usually quite stable, or at least he likes to think he is. As long as he controls the chains, he’s happy to keep things as they are.

It’s all about the physical with him, the tangible and the real. The material world is his domain and he maintains an obsessive watch over it all.

The Devil needs to be careful though, not to become too oppressive. If he keeps trying to run the whole show, there’s always a chance he’ll face a rebellion within the ranks.

And the Tower’s appearance can cause just such a challenge. When the lightening strikes, all the old rules are out the window.

Mars in Capricorn, or the Tower’s lightening striking the Devil’s lair, can be a time of powerful recharge.

If you’ve been stuck in an oppressive mindset, or in a situation where you’ve felt a lack of control, this is an excellent time to positively mix things up.

There’s a chance now to let go of rigid thinking and to break free of rules, self-imposed or otherwise, that serve only to dominate rather than to guide.

Be open to sudden illumination, and willing to take charge of your own material domain. You might not control everything, but you do control yourself. Don’t give your power away.

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Tarot Card of the Day – 11/17/12

November 17th, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink

King of Wands from Georgie's Tarot

King of Wands

Saturday, November 17, 2012
King of Wands

Creative vision, a fiery temperament, inspirational thinking – it could be an exciting day.   You have the capacity to focus your passionate energy into something constructive.

If it’s been difficult to get going with an enterprise that really matters to your soul, this is a great day to clear through the cobwebs. Take your fire and run with it.

But don’t forget to enjoy your strength wisely.  No one likes a tyrant. Get to work on your goal, but don’t assume that everyone else is going to follow your lead. They might be feeling a lot like you are today and are probably looking for some followers themselves.

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The Ladies of the 3 of Cups

November 16th, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink

3 of Cups from the Smith Waite Tarot

Take a look at this animated video by Ayumu Arisaka, Mai Oita, and Ren Kohata aka Saigo No Shudan. It’s a promo from last year’s Tokyo Art Month and it’s adorable.

It also seems to feature three ladies from the Tarot deck … the ladies from the RWS 3 of Cups card to be specific.

See for yourself …

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Moon in Capricorn – High Priestess in the Devil's Clothing

November 16th, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink

The High Priestess dressed as the Devil

High Priestess as the Devil

The Moon moves into Capricorn today and will stay there until Sunday.

If you were to describe this transit using the Tarot, you might say that the High Priestess is wearing the Devil’s clothing. The virginal goddess has gotten downright beastly.

The Moon in Capricorn, or High Priestess in the Devil’s clothing, is a period of potential internal conflict. The physical world might seem to draw you away from what you typically believe to be right.

You might feel driven or compelled by behaviours and attitudes that go against the grain of your morality. It could be liberating or disturbing, depending on your secrets.

Whatever’s going on though, don’t be too hard on yourself. Get obsessions out of your system, and learn what you can about yourself while you do so.

You should be ready to move on soon. There’s nothing wrong with a little focused physicality. Just don’t get stuck.

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Tarot Card of the Day – 11/16/12

November 16th, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink

Queen of Disks from Georgie's Tarot

Queen of Disks

Friday, November 16, 2012
Queen of Disks

It’s been less than a week since we’ve seen this Queen. I guess she has something to tell us …

It looks like you may have set yourself up just right. You’ve created the space you’re in through determined effort and hard work.

Step by step you’ve manifested your own prosperity and this is a wonderful time to enjoy it. It hasn’t always be easy but the rewards are well worth it.

Be generous with your prosperity, and kind to those that haven’t quite done it yet. People might come to you for practical advice or help. Or maybe it will be you taking that step to approach a kindly soul who could help you.

Don’t hesitate either to help or to ask for help. We’re here for each other and create the most beautiful of worlds when we work together.

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The Retro Tarot

November 15th, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink

Here’s a sweet Tarot deck in the works … it’s the Retro Tarot by the mother daughter team of Tricia Sawyer and Rebekah Davis.

Though conceptually inspired by the RWS, the Retro Tarot looks quite different. It features black and white photographs from the period between 1910 and 1960.

The images are really nice, and as Sawyer and Davis promise, they seem to be ‘straight-talking and to the point.’

The duo is still finishing up work on the project and are hoping to get the cards to the printers by December.

If you’re interested in supporting the project and signing up for your own copy of the deck, visit the Retro Tarot Kickstarter page to learn more.

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