In the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot, the 2 of Wands shows a well-dressed man standing on a balcony, overlooking the water. In his right hand, he holds a globe.
He literally has the world in his hand as he gazes out over the bay. His choices are wide open, and his vision, limitless.
This card indicates a chance to get a peek at the big picture, to see an overview of a situation, and to figure out what it is that really matters in your life.
It also points to fresh starts, and the fiery motivation to start taking action.
The first step in the process is to make a choice, and the globe is there to help map out your course.
In the video below by Cabnine Films called Peter Bellerby – Globemaker, we get an inside look at how Peter Bellerby makes his magnificent handcrafted globes.
They’re simply gorgeous, the type of work the man from the 2 of Wands would surely appreciate.
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