May the Wheel of Fortune spin all good things your way in 2015!
Happy New Year!!
December 31st, 2014 § 0 comments § permalink
Tarot Card of the Day – 12/31/14
December 31st, 2014 § 0 comments § permalink
Wednesday, December 31, 2014
King of Wands
Creative vision, a fiery temperament, inspirational thinking – it could be an exciting day. You have the capacity to focus your passionate energy into something constructive.
If it’s been difficult to get going with an enterprise that really matters to your soul, this is a great day to clear through the cobwebs. Take your fire and run with it.
But don’t forget to enjoy your strength wisely. No one likes a tyrant. Get to work on your goal, but don’t assume that everyone else is going to follow your lead. They might be feeling a lot like you are today and are probably looking for some followers themselves.
Moon in Taurus – High Priestess in the Hierophant’s Clothing
December 30th, 2014 § 0 comments § permalink
The Moon moves into Taurus today and stays there until Thursday.
If you look at this transit through the eyes of the Tarot, it would be like the High Priestess is dressed as the Hierophant. She’s sitting before two acolytes and sharing the secrets she usually guards.
The Moon in Taurus, or High Priestess in the Hierophant’s clothes, is a time of spiritual and emotional certitude.
There’s a sense that the truth can be explained, understood and incorporated into daily life. Rules can and should be followed.
Instead of trying to force others to recognize what you know to be certain, try using this time to simply share your emotional, intellectual and spiritual perceptions.
Celebrate the diversity of spirit in our world, while figuring out for yourself what rules, spiritual or otherwise, work best for you.
Tarot Card of the Day – 12/30/14
December 30th, 2014 § 0 comments § permalink
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
Page of Cups
Sweetness abounds when the Page of Cups is around. This is a great day to communicate emotions – enthusiastically and without censor, especially to those you love.
There’s a lightness in the air and the sense that something new could be starting. And it just might be.
It’s good to remember though, that there’s no need for you to commit to anything serious right now. It’s still the time of freshness and beginnings. Becoming heavy now would only dampen what’s still just growing.
Express yourself and let your imagination wander.
Ace of Wands
December 29th, 2014 § 0 comments § permalink
Tarot Card of the Day – 12/29/14
December 29th, 2014 § 0 comments § permalink
Monday, December 29, 2014
3 of Wands
Waiting and watching will probably be a bit of a preoccupation today. You’ve begun the process and have done all you can for the moment.
This might be a good time to review the steps you’ve taken so far. Make sure that you’ve got yourself balanced before the real journey begins.
Virtue is likely to be a key concept. Virtue here means being true to yourself within and between all your layers – mind, body and spirit.
Are your emotions in line with your thinking? Are you acting in a way that accurately reflects you’re beliefs and feelings? Explore these questions and relax. Your ship will arrive soon.
Moon in Aries – High Priestess in the Emperor’s Clothing
December 28th, 2014 § 0 comments § permalink
The Moon moves into Aries today and will stay there until Tuesday.
Translating this transit into Tarot cards, it would be like the High Priestess is wearing the Emperor’s clothing. She’s in scarlet and armor and is ready for battle.
The Moon in Aries, or High Priestess in the clothing of the Emperor, is a time of intensified emotions. You might feel an increased desire to shape your own world.
Rather than sitting back in stillness, this transit encourages the loosening of emotional restrictions and the conscious expression of enthusiasm and/or passion.
It might be uncomfortable at first, but allow yourself to speak out loud. Take steps forward to let people know what you know and what you love.
Try to remain objective and open-minded while acting with determination and direction. It might sound impossible, but you can do both if you try.
Tarot Card of the Day – 12/28/14
December 28th, 2014 § 0 comments § permalink
Sunday, December 28, 2014
Prince of Wands
Charge forward with strength and vitality. This is a day of power, passion and growing energy. Your plan is in place and now’s the time to take it to the next step. Use your internal fire to take you where you’re tying to go.
You don’t need to wait till everything’s perfect to start moving. In fact, more often than not, things don’t start falling where they should until you start shifting them up and get some excitement going. Take a chance that you know what you’re doing and act on it. Believe in yourself and don’t be shy.
Zoning Changes for ‘Fortune-telling’ in Paso Robles, California
December 27th, 2014 § 0 comments § permalink
It looks like the City of Paso Robles, California is about to make some changes to its ‘fortune-telling’ laws.
Since the late 50s, if you wanted to open a Tarot reading business or psychic shop in Paso Robles, you’d have to do it along one particular street in town.
Recently, however, City Council has begun the process of changing the rules so that psychic businesses can set up shop in other areas of the city, including the downtown area.
Though the changes haven’t yet been made official, according to, Council will be meeting in the new year and it looks promising.
Tarot Card of the Day – 12/27/14
December 27th, 2014 § 0 comments § permalink
Saturday, December 27, 2014
4 of Disks
Money might be tough to come by, while time is even more precious. Wherever you look, though, it seems like someone else is asking for more. The tendency here is to gather yourself and your resources and go off alone to think.
Go ahead and do that if you’d like, but try not to get yourself too closed off. You probably have more than you think you do. Maybe even enough to share.
If you’re being asked to spend on something that will help establish an even firmer foundation than you presently have, give it some serious thought. It might be more than you had anticipated, but the pay offs are probably well worth it.
Extravagant or foolish spending is not recommended, but remember the old adage – it takes money to make money. If you don’t put it out there, be it actual money, your physical effort or something else you consider really important, nothing’s coming back.
This is true about your emotions as well, don’t hold them too close to the chest. Be generous with your heart. Remember, you get what you give.