Venus in Cancer – Empress Dressed as the Charioteer

June 17th, 2016 § 0 comments

Venus in Cancer - Empress dressed as the Charioteer

Empress as Charioteer

Venus is moving into Cancer and will be staying there until July 12th.

From a Tarot perspective, it’s like the Empress is dressed as the Charioteer. She’s thrown on some armour and taken to the road.

Venus in Cancer, or the Empress in the clothes of the Charioteer, can be a time of active beauty and love.

It takes courage to create and move past just ideas to what’s actually real. This is a chance to do that, and to do it with joy.

Perseverance and the fortitude to keep going when the road gets rocky are gifts of this cycle. As is the ability to see beauty in even the ugliest of ditches.

Enjoy the ride and don’t give up on anything you really care about. Love conquers all.

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