Mars in Aries – The Tower Strikes the Emperor’s Throne

April 30th, 2024 Comments Off on Mars in Aries – The Tower Strikes the Emperor’s Throne

Mars moved into Aries and stays there until June 9th.

Looking at this transit from a tarot perspective, it’s like the Emperor was sitting in his castle just as the lightening struck. His stone throne is exploding.

Mars in Aries, or the Tower as the Emperor’s throne, is likely to be an exciting time. What you thought would never change suddenly does.

It could just be a way of seeing things. Old ideas are shattered and inspiration to begin afresh becomes overwhelming.

Or things might really be changing. New circumstances present themselves without warning and the way you were approaching a situation no longer works.

Destroy inertia and create a new world for yourself. This is a time of great power.

Potentially challenging, yes. But also a chance to take charge in your life like you never thought possible.

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