January 29th, 2025 § Comments Off on Mercury in Aquarius – Magician Dressed as the Star § permalink
Mercury moved back into Aquarius, and will stay there until February 14th.
From a Tarot perspective, this transit would be like the Magician is wearing the clothes of the Star. In other words, he’s bare and in the dark.
Mercury in Aquarius, or the Magician dressed as the Star, can be a time of focused rejuvenation and empathetic communication.
It’s safe now to share your feelings, hopes, and sadnesses.
And if doubt and confusion have created a stalemate, or a climate of distrust, you might soon start to feel a more easy flow, and reason for optimism.
Be open with your heart, and unafraid to speak with love. A few kind words can change everything.
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January 8th, 2025 § Comments Off on Mercury in Capricorn – Magician in the Devil’s Clothing § permalink
Mercury has moved into Capricorn and will stay there until January 28th.
From a Tarot perspective, it’s like the Magician is wearing the Devil’s clothing. He’s ditched the robes and is letting his beard grow.
Mercury in Capricorn, or the Magician dressed as the Devil, can be a time of intense communication and practical inspiration.
There’s an opportunity now to reevaluate areas in your life that seem out of control, or too controlled.
If you’re obsessing on anything, this might be the time to refocus your intentions and use that compulsive type energy in the service of your higher goals rather than towards more of the same old routines that don’t seem to be getting you anywhere.
Communication is especially clear and practical during this transit, though it’s more focused on the physical realities than on philosophical ideals. Use it to plan and restructure, there will be time soon enough to let yourself dream.
And if you don’t try to trick anyone, or force your will on them, it’s a great time to hone your leadership skills. As far as your own life goes, you’re definitely the one in charge.
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November 2nd, 2024 § Comments Off on Mercury in Sagittarius – Magician in Temperance’s Clothing § permalink
Mercury just moved into Sagittarius and will stay there until January 8th.
Looking at this transit from a Tarot perspective, it’s like the Magician is wearing Temperance’s clothing. His cape has turned into wings and he’s playing with water.
Mercury in Sagittarius, or the Magician in Temperance’s clothing, can be a time of balanced inspiration.
It’s great for expressing ideas that might normally seem too big to consider. Give them some thought, you never know what you’ll come up with.
Issues or situations that seemed impossible to figure out might suddenly come together, as if by divine inspiration.
But really it’s clear vision and a good dose of faith that’s probably at work. Direct it with will and you can make miracles happen.
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October 14th, 2024 § Comments Off on Mercury in Scorpio – Magician in Death’s Clothing § permalink
Mercury moved into Scorpio and will stay there until November 2nd.
From a Tarot perspective, this transit would be like the Magician is wearing Death’s clothing. He’s in black armour and riding a white stallion.
Mercury in Scorpio, or the Magician in Death’s clothing, is a good time to concentrate on cycles of change. Use them to inspire, rather than to bring you down, or rehash the past.
With all that’s changing, where do you want to focus next? This is a fabulous time to think that through, clear away any stagnant emotions, and start redirecting yourself towards the future.
It’s easier during this period to talk about what’s passed, even if it usually makes you sad. Reminiscences can be fertile soil for new ideas, and clarity of mind protects against letting things get too sappy.
Surrender with your mind wide open, and don’t be afraid to get deep. Transformative miracles most often start with the magic of the awareness.
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September 27th, 2024 § Comments Off on Mercury in Libra – Magician Dressed in Justice’s Clothing § permalink
Mercury has moved into Libra, and will stay there until October 13th.
Looking at this transit from a Tarot perspective, it’s like the Magician is wearing Justice’s clothing. He’s put down his wands and taken up the scales and sword.
Mercury in Libra, or the Magician in Justice’s clothing, can be a time of intellectual clarity, quick decisions, and balanced inspiration.
Use it to make the choices that have seemed cloudy till now. Arguments on both sides should be clearer, and what’s right for you apparent.
Questions of fairness and balance are highlighted, especially within matters of communication, travel, relationships, and the law.
Be inspired, stable and clear, and the world’s ruling will be in your favour.
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September 10th, 2024 § Comments Off on Mercury in Virgo – Magician Dressed in the Hermit’s Clothing § permalink
Mercury has moved back into Virgo, and will stay there until September 26th.
Through the eyes of the Tarot, this transit is like the Magician is wearing the Hermit’s clothes. He’s left his garden and is trekking through the snow.
Mercury in Virgo, or the Magician wearing the Hermit’s clothes, is a time of intense internal clarity. You know what you know, and can see it with fresh eyes.
It’s a good time to clear out stale old perspectives. Shine light on your inner wisdom and don’t be afraid to let others know what you’ve found.
There’s a tension now between the old and the new. Use it to dig through past ideas and experiences. Not for nostalgia’s sake, but in order to figure out what’s worthy enough to revitalize, and what might as well be discarded.
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August 15th, 2024 § Comments Off on Mercury in Leo – Magician Dressed in Strength’s Clothing § permalink
Mercury moved into Leo yesterday and will stay there until September 9th.
Looking at this transit through the eyes of the Tarot, it would be like the Magician is wearing Strength’s clothing. He’s still floating his lemniscates, but now he’s wearing a dress.
Mercury in Leo, or the Magician in Strength’s clothing is a time of energetic and maybe even exhilarating communication.
During this cycle, it’s easy to express your ideas with enthusiasm, and you’re encouraged to do so. Don’t be shy, but try not to walk all over anyone else’s sunshine.
Watch out for ego talk, either from yourself or others. Everyone likes a good storyteller, but boasters are less welcome.
Let yourself be inspired and your desires be clear and focused. When innocent passion is directed by an intelligent will, the possibilities are infinite.
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July 25th, 2024 § Comments Off on Mercury in Virgo – Magician Dressed in the Hermit’s Clothing § permalink
Mercury has moved into Virgo, and will stay there until August 15th.
Through the eyes of the Tarot, this transit is like the Magician is wearing the Hermit’s clothes. He’s left his garden and is trekking through the snow.
Mercury in Virgo, or the Magician wearing the Hermit’s clothes, is a time of intense internal clarity. You know what you know, and can see it with fresh eyes.
It’s a good time to clear out stale old perspectives. Shine light on your inner wisdom and don’t be afraid to let others know what you’ve found.
There’s a tension now between the old and the new. Use it to dig through past ideas and experiences. Not for nostalgia’s sake, but in order to figure out what’s worthy enough to revitalize, and what might as well be discarded.
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July 2nd, 2024 § Comments Off on Mercury in Leo – Magician Dressed in Strength’s Clothing § permalink
Mercury moved into Leo yesterday and will stay there until July 25th.
Looking at this transit through the eyes of the Tarot, it would be like the Magician is wearing Strength’s clothing. He’s still floating his lemniscates, but now he’s wearing a dress.
Mercury in Leo, or the Magician in Strength’s clothing is a time of energetic and maybe even exhilarating communication.
During this cycle, it’s easy to express your ideas with enthusiasm, and you’re encouraged to do so. Don’t be shy, but try not to walk all over anyone else’s sunshine.
Watch out for ego talk, either from yourself or others. Everyone likes a good storyteller, but boasters are less welcome.
Let yourself be inspired and your desires be clear and focused. When innocent passion is directed by an intelligent will, the possibilities are infinite.
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June 18th, 2024 § Comments Off on Mercury in Cancer – Magician in the Charioteer’s Clothing § permalink
Mercury has moved into Cancer, and will stay there until July 2nd.
If we translate this transit into the Tarot, it would be like the Magician is wearing the clothes of the Charioteer. He’s hit the road in some pretty snazzy armour.
Mercury in Cancer, or the Magician wearing the Charioteer’s clothing, is an excellent time to turn your ideas into action.
Inspiration abounds, as does the strength to follow through on your commitments.
Don’t give up if the going gets tough, or communication gets murky. Just recalibrate and try again.
Clearly let others know what it is you need from them, but don’t wait around if they can’t help you.
A determined focus and the intention to move forward will get you to where you need to go.
Charge forward with faith in victory. Success is calling.
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