July 31st, 2015 § § permalink
Have you ever considered the water in the background of the RWS 2 of Pentacles card?
In the card, the main character, a man with an odd shaped hat juggling two discs, stands on dry land in front a very choppy ocean.
For me, this particular two most often represents taking care of the details. It suggests that someone is in a positive transition of sorts, and just needs to move patiently from one task to the next.
The water in the background however, hints that though the tasks might be small in nature, and the transition relatively minor, whatever’s going on does have a strong emotional element to it.
Water represents the emotions, and choppy water represents equally choppy, or shifting emotions.
When the 2 of Pentacles comes up in a reading, I typically recommend sticking with the basics and just getting the job done, while acknowledging that there might be some strong feelings behind the changes at hand.
It’s important to remember that though the emotions might be strong, the person involved is more than strong enough to deal with them.
Like the boats riding the waves in the image, you might bob up and down a bit, but if you keep doing what you need to do, you’ll definitely stay afloat.
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February 17th, 2012 § § permalink
It’s not hard to see why I thought of the 2 of Pentacles when I saw this video. This guy is amazing!
In the RWS deck, the 2 of Pentacles features a man by the water juggling a couple of disks.
Often it represents the need to take care of a lot of details as you move from one state of affairs to another.
It reflects a situation where many little decisions need to be made, errands to be run, and tasks to be accomplished. It’s usually not a hard time, just a very busy one.
The juggler in this video has everything under control though. Even when it looks like things are about to fall apart, he just uses his foot and makes it all look easy.
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August 22nd, 2011 § § permalink
Mercury will be going direct on Friday, so if communication, calculation, and travel have been a bit crazy lately, don’t despair, things should start getting back to normal soon.
And not only is the retrograde ending, but with September on it’s way, a new season is about to begin.
It sounds like a good time to get organized, at least for me. Things are likely to start getting busy again and I want to be prepared.
The 2 of Pentacles from the Rider Waite Smith deck came to mind when I started thinking about what the Tarot has to say about getting organized.
In the image, a man in an unusual hat is holding a couple of pentacles in front of some water. Boats go by behind him, rocking with the waves, but staying afloat.
I typically see this card as representing harmonious change, like the movement from one season to the next. It points to taking care of the little details necessary for the transition to go smoothly.
It’s a busy rather than a heavy time, though the water behind the man does indicate a certain emotionality.
When there’s a lot to do and not much time, emotions can get stormy. Ride the wave and hold on, you might get wet, but you don’t have to get swamped.
This card reminds us to find a flow and take things step by step, even see our tasks as play if we can, quite literally as juggling. It’s easy and fun once you find the rhythm.
What needs organizing might feel overwhelming, but just break it down into smaller pieces. It’s likely a lot more manageable than it looked at first.
From the ideas in the 2 of Pentacles, I’ve put together a Get Organized Spread. It takes a look at what area in your life might need some organization, what’s in the way, and what might help.
Get Organized
1. What area of my life is in particular need of organization?
2. How is my attention being divided from my tasks in this area?
3. How can I find the flow to maximize productivity in this area?
4. What emotions might be getting in the way?
5. Is there any way to make my work feel more like play, while still getting things done?
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