9 of Pentacles – reversed

October 5th, 2013 § 0 comments § permalink

You might remember this beautiful Graffiti 9 of Pentacles I posted last November

9 of Pentacles from the Toronto Graffiti Tarot by Georgianna Boehnke

Recently, while passing by that same wall, I noticed that the image had changed.

It seems as if the energy has somehow got reversed.


9 of Pentacles - Toronto Graffiti Tarot (WIP)

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Tarot on a Supermarket Wall

March 15th, 2013 § 0 comments § permalink

On my recent trip to San Francisco, I came across a tile mural on the side of a Safeway store.

It was created back in 1959 by John Garth, who apparently made a number of such mosaics for Safeway stores across the country.

It’s an impressive piece meant to depict how the foods of the world are grown, toiled over, and ultimately transported to shopping carts at Safeway stores everywhere.

When I saw it though, my Tarot radar went off and three cards jumped out of the picture – the 10 of Wands, the 3 of Pentacles, and the 9 of Pentacles …

Tarot in the Mosaic

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The 9 of Pentacles on a Wall

November 25th, 2012 § 2 comments § permalink

9 of Pentacles from the Rider Waite Smith Tarot

I came across this gorgeous graffiti image of a woman surrounded by nine flowers and a bird flying beside her.

Can you blame me for thinking of the 9 of Pentacles when I saw it?

It looks like I’ve found the newest addition to my Graffiti Tarot.

9 of Pentacles from the Toronto Graffiti Tarot by Georgianna Boehnke

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The Self-Reflecting Number Nine

April 26th, 2012 § 4 comments § permalink

I’ve just come across Jordan Hoggard’s Youtube channel. It’s great! He’s got a whole host of short, upbeat videos featuring various cards from his Tarot in the Land of Mystereum.

Tarot in the Land of Mystereum by Jordan Hoggard, Schiffer Publishing

The deck itself looks gorgeous, and I’ve just put it on my Tarot wish list.

But even if you’re using another deck, the videos are fun to watch and very informative, especially for such short clips.

#9 The Hermit from the Smith Waite Tarot

The video below is Hoggard’s take on the 9 of Pentacles and the number nine itself.

I love what he has to say about how nine mirrors itself through the multiplication tables.

Given that self-reflection is a main theme for the Hermit, it makes a lot of sense that he’s Tarot’s number nine.

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