The Baroque Bohemian Cats' Tarot

November 24th, 2011 § 4 comments § permalink

For those of you who are both Tarot fans and cat lovers, check out the video below.

It’s the soon to be released Baroque Bohemian Cats’ Tarot, third edition, by Karen Mahony and Alex Ukolov of Baba Studio in Prague.

It’s been out of print for a while, so this new edition is a welcome treat for those who didn’t get a chance to get one before.

Mahony and Ukolov are the creators of many gorgeous decks, almost all of which are out of print. People snap them up as soon as they leave the presses.

They’ve made the Bohemian Gothic Tarot, the Victorian Romantic, the Fantastic Menagerie, the Fairytale, and the Tarot of Prague.

The only one still available, at least for today, is their very pretty oracle deck, the Victorian Flower Oracle.

The Bohemian Cats should be ready by the end of the month. They’re taking pre-orders at Baba Studio now.

I’ve ordered one, and can’t wait till it arrives.

I’m going to try it out with my cat Carl. He’s complained in the past that my decks were too humancentric. I think he’s going to like this one.

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