Fortune Telling – the dance

June 30th, 2012 § 2 comments § permalink

Here’s another Tarot Kickstarter Project, but this time it’s not a deck. It’s a dance show called Fortune Telling by the Long Beach, California dance company, RhetOracle.

Fortune Telling will be the company’s 6th full-length show. It features 10 new works, all inspired by the imagery of the Rider Waite Smith deck.

The performance will be structured as a Tarot reading with seven different choreographers each creating a dance based on a particular card.

The cards they’ll explore include the Magician and the Knight of Wands reversed, the Fool, Death, the 8 of Swords, the Hanged Man, and Judgment.

The show looks really interesting. I hope they get the support they need.

Take a look at the video below to see what you think. And for more information, visit the Fortune Telling project page.

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