Quilting, Tarot, and the 2 of Wooden Spoons

April 17th, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink

Quilts, like Tarot decks, are made up of many little pieces. Each piece has meaning of its own, but together they have a chance to tell a much bigger story.

I wrote about the Kitchen Tarot by Susan Shie before, but I came across it again in a news piece about a tribute to Ardis James, a long-time patron of quilt making.

The Kitchen Tarot by Susan Shie, guidebook by Dennis Fairchild

In the Kitchen Tarot’s 2 of Wooden Spoons, Shie depicted Ardis and her friend Betty whipping up some salsa. And what’s especially wonderful about the image is that it’s actually a quilt.

All the original images from the Kitchen Tarot are quilts. Can you imagine how beautiful they must be!

For those lucky enough to be in the Lincoln, Nebraska area, there’s now a chance for you to see at least one of them in person.

Shie donated the 2 of Wooden Spoons to the International Quilt Study Center and Museum, and it’s presently on display as part of the Tribute to Ardis James. Get down to see it if you can.

And in the spirit of quilt making, take a look at the video below.

It features Diane Rose, a quilter from Waco, Texas. Not only are her quilts beautiful, but she makes them all by hand despite being completely blind.

The piece has nothing to do with Tarot, but Rose is truly inspirational, and well worth taking a listen to.

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