Windows to the Sacred

July 11th, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink

Windows of the Sacred

For those of you lucky enough to be in the area of Perth, Western Australia, specifically the City of Fremantle, you might want to stop by the Buratti Fine Arts gallery.

As I discovered while visiting one of my favourite occult art blogs, Phantasmaphile, the Windows to the Sacred show will be opening this coming Friday, July 13th.

The exhibition is showcasing esoteric art from various traditions including work derived through automatic drawing, digital technology, printmaking, sculpture, and painting.

Works of contemporary Australian artists will be hanging alongside those of international and historical artists, including two pieces by occult master and creator of the Thoth Tarot, Aleister Crowley.

For Crowley’s paintings alone I’d take a look. One is an auto-portrait he did in 1922 titled ‘The Sun,’ while the other is called ‘The Moon (Study for Tarot Card)’, also from 1922.

The show runs until August 22nd. If you’re in the area, get down to see it!!

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