Tarot Card of the Day – 10/3/10

October 3rd, 2010 § 0 comments § permalink

#1 The Magician from Georgie's Tarot

#1 The Magician

Sunday, October 3, 2010
#1 – The Magician

Where you were thinking of starting something new? Great – this is the time to do it. The energy of The Magician encourages you to start fresh. Look around you – I bet you have all the tools you need for this new enterprise. It’s only up to you to start making things happen.

Name your goal and start listing the steps you need to get there. Especially important is that first step. It can be big or small – just take it! You’re at the very beginning right now, but don’t let the long journey ahead dissuade you from going forward. You can’t go back, so what the heck? Focus on what it is you want to achieve and you can make anything happen.

Beware though, don’t try fooling yourself or others, there’s no need for deception. It will only lead you down the wrong road right from the start. Stay true to your plan and keep yourself focused. Remember, you can do what you need to without resorting to trickery or lies. It’ll work out much better in the long run if you stick to the truth.

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