No Psychic Businesses in Downtown Healdsburg

December 5th, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink

The Healdsburg, California Planning Commission unanimously ruled last week against allowing a psychic business to move into the city’s downtown commercial district.

In a vote of 6-0, they decided against Mike Stevens’ application to establish his business in a former insurance office downtown.

According to, the decision was at least partly based on the particular building Stevens wanted to work out of.

The building is primarily occupied by psychologists, psychiatrists, and other licensed practitioners, which as Planning and Building Director Barbara Nelson said, “psychics and palm readers are not”.

In addition, psychic businesses are not the type of industry Healdsburg is looking to develop. As Commissioner Phil Luks is quoted as saying, “It’s perhaps antithetical to the basic image we’re trying to project as a tourist town.”

Mike Stevens plans to appeal the decision to City Council.

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