The Occult Humanities Conference – Oct 18-20, NYC

September 30th, 2013 § 0 comments § permalink

This looks interesting … The Occult Humanities Conference: Contemporary Art and Scholarship on the Esoteric Traditions – October 18-20th, NYC.

Organized by Pam Grossman and Jesse Bransford, this weekend-long conference at New York University, features a wide selection of speakers and topics all focusing on the occult tradition as seen through contemporary research, scholarship and artistic practice.

There’ll be lectures, artist talks, and group discussions, as well as art displays, and the haunting music of The Parlour Trick.

Visit the conference website for full details.

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Eight Years and Seven Planets

May 3rd, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink

For the last eight years, Brooklyn based artist Jesse Bransford has been deeply engaged with the seven ancient astrological planets.

Starting with the Sun, he’s been researching, painting, and writing about each planet and their mysterious influences on our world.

His journey has led him across cultures, time periods, and political and philosophical world views.

This summer he’ll conclude his series with Saturn, a perfect planet to end with.

His work is great. You can see some of it here, and read an interview with him by Kari Adelaide.

Some of his work will be part of the Sigils and Signs show I wrote about a few weeks ago. But hopefully, there’ll also be a show for Saturn itself. I’ll be looking out for it.

Till then though, you can take a look at the video below of Bransford creating a wall painting as part of his Moon installation back in 2009.

It’s beautiful.

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