Jimmy Carter Intrigued by Parapsychology

October 21st, 2010 § 0 comments § permalink

White House Diary by Jimmy Carter

White House Diary

I haven’t had the chance to read Jimmy Carter’s newest book, White House Diary yet, but apparently, he has some good things to say about the CIA using parapsychology for intelligence gathering.

According to Politico.com, an entry from his diary on April 11, 1979 says “Both we and the Soviets use these parapsychologists on occasion to help us with sensitive intelligence matters, and the results are unbelievable.”

Later in the book while reflecting on this point, Carter comments, “The proven results of these exchanges between our intelligence services and parapsychologists raise some of the most intriguing and unanswerable questions of my presidency. They defy logic, but the facts are undeniable.”

Of course the CIA is adamant that they no longer engage in any sort of parapsychology research. But I wonder … did they tell us they were using it last time they did?

Anyway, good stuff Jimmy! I can’t wait to read the book.

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