The Free Art Machine

October 13th, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink

This isn’t actually a Tarot Kickstarter project, but Tarot can certainly get involved.

The Free Art Machine was conceived by two Chicago artists, Leo and Max, who see art as something that everyone should take part in.

Their goal is to produce thousands of pieces of free art made with public submissions for distribution in various creative ways.

They’ve figured out how to create a resin covered ‘photo block’ (a 3.5″ x 3.5″ x .75″ block of wood with a photo securely adhered to the front) for one dollar a piece.

It’s these photo blocks that will be on display in cafes, restaurants, and other venues around Chicago. People will be encouraged to not only view the pieces, but take one home for free if it particularly catches their eye.

Though the duo is focusing on Chicago, they encourage artists and art lovers from everywhere to get involved.

Take a look at the video below and visit their project page to learn more. I think it’s a great idea.

I wonder what pictures I can submit. More than likely, whatever I choose, it’ll somehow be about Tarot.

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