Toronto Votes

October 25th, 2010 § 0 comments § permalink

Toronto City Hall photo by Georgianna Boehnke

Toronto City Hall

Today is election day here in Toronto, so I’m interested, and maybe even heartened, by the appearance of the Hermit as the Card of the Day.

I’m hoping it reflects how our City’s population will consider the vote for School Trustees, City Councillors and Mayor.

Wisdom, knowledge through experience, considered thinking, and respect for the welfare of others are all gifts of the Hermit.  His approach is serious and reflective.  Glitz and showy manoeuvres are not his style, though bringing light to the dark is a primary aspiration.

I’m hoping too that those elected will take the energy of the Hermit to heart.  They will be charged with a serious obligation, one that influences the lives of millions of people within and beyond our city limits.  Whoever wins, may wisdom  and humility rule their time in office.

Good luck and fair play to all.

And to any Torontonians that haven’t yet voted …. get out and do it now!  Everyone’s voice matters.  Let’s hear yours.

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