The UK Tarot Conference – London, Oct 14-15

October 1st, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

I know it’s short notice, but I just found out about it the other day … the UK Tarot Conference in London will be held on the 14th and 15th of October. I wish I could go!

Friday afternoon will kick things off with Trudy Ashplant revealing the insights of the Court Cards. Sasha Fenton will follow up with her presentation, Tarot and Astrology: A Forgotten Link Rediscovered.

Saturday will be a full day of seminars, starting with Gaynor Thompson. She’ll be looking at how to get beyond the literal meaning in the cards by connecting to your sixth sense.

Next up will be Philip Carr-Gomm and Adele Nozedar examining the role of birds in divination. Their talk looks so interesting, it prompted me to order a copy of Nozedar’s book, The Secret Language of Birds.

Mark Ryan and John Matthews, creators of The Wildwood Tarot will be there as well, teaching a workshop about their deck and delving into some fascinating spreads designed just for it.

Finally, the conference will close with celebrated author Anna Franklin as she explores the journey of initiation as it unfolds within the Tarot.

Sounds like a wonderful way to spend a weekend in London. If you’re interested, sign up soon. Tickets are going fast.

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