Pecto Awards 2012!!

January 2nd, 2013 § 0 comments § permalink

Since 2010, The Academy of Cartomancy Arts & Sciences has been handing out Pecto Awards meant ‘to celebrate and acknowledge the best achievement in cartomancy’ for the previous year.

There are twelve categories for cartomancy enthusiasts to vote for including everything from Outstanding Tarot and Oracle Decks, Illustrators and Collaborators to Outstanding Books, Publishers, and Vendors.

One of the categories is Outstanding Cartomancy Website and this year the nominees were Tarotholics via Facebook, The Tarot Guild, Inappropriate Tarot Readings via Facebook, Tarot Passages, and the one closest to my own heart, Beyond Worlds.

And guess what?!! Beyond Worlds and Tarotholics won the honour together!

What a truly happy way to bring in the New Year!

Congratulations Donnaleigh de LaRose, Tarotholics, and to all this year’s other Pecto winners!!

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