A Tarot Message from the Lesula

September 19th, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink

the Lesula

Last week, we heard news of a new species of monkey discovered by scientists in the remote forests of the Democratic Republic of Congo.

The scientific name they’ve been given is Cercopithecus Lomamiensis, but the monkeys are known locally as the Lesula.

While looking at this wise-eyed little creature, I wondered if now that she had the world’s attention, she had a message for us all.

2 of Pentacles from the Rider Waite Smith Tarot

Since I don’t know her personally, I of course turned to the cards to get her reply. I asked, “What message does the Lesula have for the world right now?”

Though I tried to pull just one card, two came out in the draw. They were the 2 of Pentacles and the Ace of Cups.

Ace of Cups from the Rider Waite Smith Tarot

I get the sense that she’s a monkey of few words and as such, her message is short, but very sweet.

Simply put, the Lesula says: keep busy and love with an open flowing heart.

Or at least, that’s how I’m reading it.

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