The fabulous show described below has had to be postponed again. Ruth Ann, Wald, and the Tarot Masters will be joining us on Sunday, March 10th at 7:00 pm EST. Sorry for the delay!!
The Tarot School’s very own Ruth Ann and Wald Amberstone will be with us to talk about the upcoming Readers’ Studio 2013 in New York City!
And they’re not coming alone. They’ll be bringing with them three of the Tarot Master Class instructors for this year’s conference – Nancy Antenucci, Major Tom Schick, and Ferol Humphrey.
It’s going to be a blast!
Join Donnaleigh de LaRose and I live in the chat room, or call in at (646) 200-0765.
Beyond Worlds with Ruth Ann and Wald Amberstone – Readers Studio 2013
Sunday, March 10, 2013
7:00 pm ET (4:00 pm PT)