Tarot for Troubled Times – a book review

December 23rd, 2024 § Comments Off on Tarot for Troubled Times – a book review § permalink

Tarot For Troubled Times by Shaheen Miro and Theresa Reed - Weiser Books 2019

Today we’re going to take a quick look at the book Tarot For Troubled Times by Shaheen Miro & Theresa Reed. It was published back in 2019 by Weiser Books, but is certainly as relevant today as ever.

5 Points About This Book:

  1. Tarot GuideTarot For Troubled Times is not a how-to guide for Tarot reading, and I expect that most people drawn to it already read cards to some degree or other. Working through the book and doing the exercises though, will likely deepen your relationship to the cards whatever level of Tarot reading you’re at.
  2. Main Themes – This book focuses on both personal development and confronting one’s shadow self, as well as looking at our individual roles and actions in the grander outside world.
  3. Journaling – Throughout the book, Miro and Reed highly recommend the process of journaling your thoughts, and provide many helpful prompts in every chapter.
  4. ExercisesTarot for Troubled Times contains multiple Tarot spreads, and self-reflection question prompts. It also includes directions for finding and using personal and yearly Tarot archetypes, as well as providing ideas and suggestions for magic work like rituals and spells. I love this stuff!
  5. Allies and Activism – The book closes with a focus on the outer community and societal themes, offering constructive advice on what it means to be an ally and an activist and how you might use the Tarot to help guide you on your path.

I really like Tarot for Troubled Times. It’s self-empowering without being unrealistically positive, has tons of interesting and fun exercise suggestions, and encourages us to recognize we have a valuable part to play in both our personal lives, and the larger world outside ourselves.

Theresa Reed’s Tarot Bytes Episode 148 w/Georgianna

October 22nd, 2019 § Comments Off on Theresa Reed’s Tarot Bytes Episode 148 w/Georgianna § permalink

Hey Everyone … Take a Look! (or more properly, a listen) …

Theresa Reed aka The Tarot Lady and I took some time out to talk about reading cards for politics and current events.

You can hear us here –> https://www.thetarotlady.com/tarot-bytes-episode-148-tarot-current-events-georgianna-boehnke

Hope you enjoy!!

Tarot for Troubled Times with Theresa Reed and Shaheen Miro

June 18th, 2017 § Comments Off on Tarot for Troubled Times with Theresa Reed and Shaheen Miro § permalink

If you’re a Tarot reader who’s been feeling a little unsettled by the craziness in the world these days, you might be interested in taking part in what’s sure to be a fascinating webinar with Theresa Reed and Shaheen MiroTarot for Troubled Times.

It’s a two-part workshop focusing on how to use Tarot and other modalities to find some light in the darkness.

Topics include shadow work, healing and activism, and how we can use these difficult times as a catalyst for personal and global change.

Part One will focus on the personal, while Part Two will look at our role in the collective. And if you sign up before June 30th, there will be an additional opportunity to take part in a bonus Q&A with Theresa and Shaheen.

For more information, and to sign-up, visit Theresa’s website at thetarotlady.com.

Hope to see you in the chatroom!!

The Tarot Coloring Book by Theresa Reed

October 21st, 2016 § Comments Off on The Tarot Coloring Book by Theresa Reed § permalink

The Tarot Coloring Book by Theresa Reed, aka The Tarot LadyYay!! I just received my copy of The Tarot Coloring Book by my friend Theresa Reed, aka The Tarot Lady.

It’s not only a coloring book, but also a fabulous Tarot guide, filled with clear explanations of what each card represents, and with special attention paid to the coloring and primary symbols found in each card.

The pictures are large, with lots of room to color as you wish. You can follow with tradition, or take things in a whole new direction. Either way, the whole process of coloring in the images helps solidify their meaning, and forges a mind-body connection to the deck that simple memorization could never achieve.

As a longtime fan of both coloring and Tarot, this is a particularly fun book for me. I can hardly wait to dive in.

Check it out for yourself! Copies of The Tarot Coloring Book are available through Amazon.com.

Light On Tarot by Theresa Reed

October 19th, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink

We might know Theresa Reed as The Tarot Lady, which she most certainly is, but she’s also a lady of yoga, and her new ebook Light On Tarot proves she’s a good one.

Reed has combined the wisdom of both Tarot and yoga to create a fantastic guide to learning the Tarot while working out your body and soul.

She’s associated each of Tarot’s Major Arcana cards with a particular yogic routine, giving readers the opportunity to experience the cards physically, mentally, and of course spiritually.

Each chapter includes card descriptions, journaling suggestions, affirmations, and exercises that stretch out not just your limbs, but your perceptions of the world as well.

It’s a great book for Tarot and yoga enthusiasts alike – practical, intelligent, and a lot of fun to work through.

Visit The Tarot Lady website to learn more. And breath …

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Beyond Worlds – More Meditation Moments

August 12th, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink

Beyond Worlds is on holiday again this week, but don’t be bummed out!

If you need your Tarot fix, why not use the opportunity to listen to some Beyond World’s Meditation Moments.

I’ve posted Episode #4 from earlier this year below. In it, Theresa Reed, aka The Tarot Lady, talks with Donnaleigh de LaRose about meditation, yoga, and Tarot.

With her many years of experience in all three areas, Theresa offers a unique insight into bringing them all together into one powerful practice.

And if you want to hear more, there’s a complete list of all the Meditation Moments at Donnaleigh’s website.

Since I last posted about them, there’s been new episodes with Matt Williams, Barbara Moore, Chanah Liora Wizenberg, and Anita Perez.

I’ve got some catching up to do myself!! But I’m looking forward to it.

Beyond Worlds will be back with our next live Tarot Intensive, Sunday, August. 19th. Hope to see you there!

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Zero To Tarot Business – a free telelseminar with Theresa Reed

July 4th, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink

If you’re a Tarot reader interested in making the switch from hobbyist to pro, or a professional who’d like some tips on how to make your business even better, check out this teleseminar with Theresa Reed.

Zero To Tarot Business is a 60-minute free and open teleseminar hosted by the Gaian Tarot Circle and led by everyone’s favourite Tarot Lady.

With 20 years of full-time professional Tarot reading under her belt, Theresa has a lot to teach us about how to build a successful metaphysical business.

Expect to hear great advice about everything from booking your first paying client, to how to market and grow a business you already have.

Theresa’s known for being both practical and inspirational. She’ll motivate you to see the big picture, while taking care of all the important little details along the way.

I’m going to be listening. I hope you do too!!

Zero To Tarot Business will start at 9:00 PM ET on Thursday, July 12th.

For call in details and to read more about the event (and a special give-away for one lucky listener), visit Theresa’s website.

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Beyond Worlds – Boundaries for Tarot Readers (part 2)

April 1st, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink

We had so much to talk about last time that we’re doing another show …. tonight on Beyond Worlds it’s part two of our discussion on Boundaries for Tarot readers.

The expert panel is back to talk about how to establish, modify, and/or maintain personal and professional boundaries as a reader. And it’s not always easy.

Each reader has a different experience and a different perspective on how to work with clients or other readers. And each will have to determine for themselves where they’ll draw their personal and professional lines.

Join Donnaleigh de LaRose, Diane Wilkes, Theresa Reed, James Wells, Sharon Brown, Marcy Currier, and me live in the chat room, or call in at (646) 200-0765.

We’ve got lots to share.

Beyond Worlds – Boundaries for Readers Pt.2
Sunday, April 1, 2012
7:00 pm ET (4:00 pm PT)

If you missed Part 1 of Boundaries for Tarot Readers you can listen to it here …

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Beyond Worlds – Boundaries for Readers

February 5th, 2012 § 2 comments § permalink

#21 The World from the Rider Waite Smith Tarot

The World

Tonight on Beyond Worlds we have a very special show. It’s a Tarot panel, and our topic is Boundaries for Readers.

We’ll be discussing boundaries of all types, the ones we encounter within our readings, and the ones we might have with friends, family, and clients when they ask for readings.

The discussion will include everything from taboo topics to issues surrounding payment, free readings, and psychic addiction.

Join Donnaleigh de LaRose, Diane Wilkes, Theresa Reed, James Wells, Sharon Brown, Marcy Currier, and me live in the chatroom. Or call in at (646) 200-0765.

It’s going to be a really interesting discussion.

Beyond Worlds – Boundaries and the Tarot
Sunday, February 5, 2012
7:00 pm ET (4 pm PT)

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Idol Psychics

January 25th, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink

If you’re an American Idol fan, as well as a Tarot fan, Idol Psychics might be just what you’ve been looking for.

As young American singers take to the stage for their shot at stardom, four top Tarot readers and an astrologer will be making calls from the sidelines, saying, ‘yea’, ‘nay’, or ‘I can’t believe what I just saw.’

In fact they keep a running commentary throughout each show, pulling cards and checking the stars on the contestants, the host, judges, and of course the final outcome.

Join the fabulous Corrine Kenner, Donnaleigh de LaRose, Theresa Reed, Sasha Graham, and Sally Blumenfeld in the live chat, or read the blogs and transcripts from shows passed.

American Idol was already great fun, but watching with the Idol Psychics makes it even better.

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