Shuffle Up & Deal 3

June 6th, 2013 § 0 comments § permalink

Two of my favourite things are combined in this IndieGoGo project – independent music and cards!

Todd Lacharite, a music and art promoter from Lethbridge, Alberta is putting together Shuffle Up & Deal 3: Audio/Visual.

This is the third incarnation of his Shuffle Up & Deal series of playing card decks, and as with the other two, Lacharite has gathered 53 different Canadian artists to design one card each.

What’s a little different about this project though, is the audio aspect. Not only will a visual artist be connected to a particular card, but one of 53 Canadian bands will as well.

Take a look at the video below to hear Lacharite describe his project. And if you’re interested in learning more, visit the Shuffle Up & Deal 3 project page.

I’m looking forward to seeing how this deck turns out, but I hope Lacharite thinks about doing a Tarot deck next time around.

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