The Toronto Tarot Portal is Back!

June 30th, 2013 § 0 comments § permalink

hanged man treasure by georgic

Yay!!! The Toronto Tarot Portal is back!!!

James Wells and Andrew McGregor, two of my favourite Toronto Tarot teachers, have returned to the podcast airwaves after an almost one year hiatus.

In their latest episode, Andrew and James dig deep into Tarot Trump #12, the Hanged Man.

What does he mean in our daily lives?

Sacrifice, being stuck, getting hung up, punished, or just hanging out getting ready to change.

And what does James mean by ‘wise mush’?

Take a listen – Ego and the Hanged Man at the Toronto Tarot Portal on iTunes.

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Toronto Tarot Portal

June 17th, 2011 § 2 comments § permalink

Toronto Tarot Portal

James Wells and Andrew McGregor have been putting together an amazing monthly series of podcasts about all sorts of fascinating Tarot topics.

And they’re free to download any time you want.

Both Wells and McGregor are Toronto Tarot readers and educators, and they’ve called their series Toronto Tarot Portal: a monthly podcast on all things tarot.

They started recording in November of last year and have been covering the big issues – love, sex, money, fate, destiny and magic.

Intelligent, amusing and highly informative, these podcasts are worth listening to whether you’re a Tarot reader or not.

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