I’m leaving for San Francisco today on my way to this weekend’s Bay Area Tarot Symposium, aka BATS. I can hardly wait to get there!
In preparation for any trip, I usually like to pull a few cards.
Sometimes I’ll just pull one card asking something like, ‘what advice do you have for me on my voyage?” or ‘how can I make the most of this trip?’
But sometimes I like to do a full spread, asking for a little more detail then just general advice.
Take a look at my Travel Tarot Spread below, and give it a try before your next trip.
Travel Tarot Spread
1. What should be a priority on this trip?
2. How can I best focus my attention there?
3. Is there a challenge I should be aware of?
4. What about a hidden gift I might look out for?
5. What can I learn while I’m away?
6. What can I teach?
7. How can I most enjoy myself and best make this a smooth, happy, and safe journey?
Bon Voyage!!
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