Witches, Wicked Bodies, and the Whore of Babylon

December 28th, 2012 § 2 comments

While visiting Phantasmaphile, a favourite blog of mine, I saw a post about a show next summer at the Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art.

Witches and Wicked Bodies will explore how witches and witchcraft have been depicted in fine art over the past 500 years.

As described by the museum, the show,

“will be an investigation of extremes, exploring the highly exaggerated ways in which witches have been represented, from hideous hags to beautiful seductresses.”

Some of the artists represented include Albrecht Dürer, Francisco de Goya, William Blake, Paula Rego, and Kiki Smith.

I’d love to see this show, and if I happen to be Scotland between July 27th and November 3rd, I’ll definitely be there.

But whether I make it to Scotland or not, I’m already struck by the William Blake picture being used to promote the show.

It’s called The Whore of Babylon and was created by Blake in 1809.

I couldn’t help but notice the similarities between it and Aleister Crowley’s Thoth Tarot card #11 – Lust, (more commonly known as Strength) painted by Lady Freida Harris in the middle of the 20th Century.

It also features the Whore of Babylon and the 7-Headed Beast. Take a look …

Whores of Babylon by Crowley/Harris and Blake

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