Moon in Scorpio – High Priestess in Death’s Clothing

January 31st, 2016 § 0 comments § permalink

The High Priestess in Death's Clothes

The moon moves into Scorpio today and stays there until Tuesday.

If you translate this transit into the Tarot, you could say that the High Priestess is dressed as Death. She’s in the midst of a great transformation.

The Moon in Scorpio, or High Priestess in Death’s clothing, suggests a time when feelings run deep. The ability to end relationships that don’t work, or release stagnant emotions is accentuated.

If there’s a situation in your life that’s nearing its completion, especially if it’s emotional or relationship-oriented, this might be a good time to let it go. At least explore it with emotional clarity.

This isn’t a time to be afraid, but rather a time to face your fears with equanimity and intelligence.

You’ve got what it takes. Don’t back down from the scary stuff.

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Tarot Card of the Day – 1/31/16

January 31st, 2016 § 0 comments § permalink

7 of Cups from Georgie's Tarot

7 of Cups

Sunday, January 31, 2016
7 of Cups

Are you having a hard time making a decision, maybe trouble moving forward?  Are you blaming yourself and everybody else for your emotional problems?

It might be a little confusing right now but don’t give up.  Try to pull yourself together and start making some choices.

Don’t waste your time worrying about what anyone else is doing.  Concentrate instead on getting a grip on yourself.

What do you really want next?  Think about it clearly and with as much focus as you can muster.  Once you finally choose, it’s going to be a lot easier.

Wallowing in misery or hiding in whatever escape you feel most comfortable in won’t help for much longer.  In fact, it’s likely to bring you down instead.

Pull up those boot straps and decide what’s next. The only real way to feel better is to start taking action.  There’s lot’s to do, get going!

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The Empress

January 30th, 2016 § 0 comments § permalink

A Beautiful Graffiti Empress …

#3 The Empress - Toronto Graffiti Tarot

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Tarot Card of the Day – 1/30/16

January 30th, 2016 § 0 comments § permalink

Six of Swords from Georgie's Tarot

6 of Swords

Saturday, January 30, 2016
6 of Swords

This is a good day to get your thoughts as clear as possible.  And you may have some emotional issues that could use a little focused attention.  It’s a great time to think things through.

What choices are you being asked to make at this time?  Look them squarely in the face and choose.  If you can’t choose now, when do you think you can?  At least decide that.  Ask yourself what will bring you closer to your own truth – a union of mind, body and soul.

You’re sharp as a tack today.  Take advantage of the energy to decide what needs deciding.  You can do it.  How will you get to your next step if you don’t?

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The Moon Deck

January 29th, 2016 § 0 comments § permalink

The Moon Deck by Aarona, Andi, and Ashley out of Brooklyn, New York looks beautiful!

It’s 44 dreamy cards, with accompanying guidebook, meant to stir your intuition through the power of ritual and self-discovery.

Take a look at the video below, and/or visit The Moon Deck Indigogo project page to learn more.

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Tarot Card of the Day – 1/29/16

January 29th, 2016 § 0 comments § permalink

6 of Cups from Georgie's Tarot

6 of Cups

Friday, January 29, 2016
6 of Cups

It’s a wonderful day to say thank you – to your family, friends, and even your enemies.

Nostalgia and happy memories might fill your head and it’s worth remembering all the love there is around you.  Take pleasure in acknowledging it and grateful to extend it further.

Giving and receiving are two sides of the same joy.  Take pleasure in both and don’t be shy to tell people how much they mean to you.   You’ll probably be surprised by how much they love you back.

With close relationships, this is an especially important time to remember the history and strength of your time together. It’s these ties that have helped you through your most serious moments – both good and bad.

Don’t take them lightly, close friends really are special, and not as common as you might think.

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Moon in Libra – High Priestess in Justice’s Clothing

January 28th, 2016 § 0 comments § permalink

The High Priestess in Justice's Clothing

The Moon moves into Libra today, and will stay there until Sunday.

Looking at this transit through the lens of the Tarot, it would be like the High Priestess is wearing Justice’s clothing. She takes on the mantle of the Karmic Decider.

With the High Priestess as Justice, or the Moon in Libra, we might be required to face up to something and decide.

Our emotions will demand respect. If we’ve leaned too far back or forward, we’ll probably find ourselves moving just as dramatically the other way.

It can be a slightly challenging period, perhaps a little manic. But by the time it’s done, something is likely to have been decided upon.

Don’t be alarmed by conflicting emotions. They’re there because you can see both sides. It’s not good enough though to just acknowledge them and walk away.

During this transit you’re being asked to take a stand one way or another. And you’ve got the wisdom and power to do so.

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Tarot Card of the Day – 1/28/16

January 28th, 2016 § 0 comments § permalink

#5 The Hierophant from Georgie's Tarot

#5 The Hierophant

Thursday, January 28, 2016
#5 – The Hierophant

Spiritual questions and tradition are highlighted during this period.  It’s probably important to you now to look carefully at the spiritual structures in your life.  Why do you believe what you do?  Who are your spiritual authorities and what gives them their legitimacy?  Who decides issues of morality for you, your family and/or your community?

Many of these questions are answered with cultural traditions. Today, you’ll probably be examining whether or not the answers you’re accustomed to are still satisfactory.  They might be or they might not be.  Don’t be afraid to seek out your truth simply because it rubs against your comfort zone.  Sometimes growth hurts a bit.

You might be asked to judge someone else’s dispute, or find the need to go to an authority for answers yourself.  Keep your mind open, but your skepticism on.  Ultimately, you’re the only one who can decide whether something makes sense for your life or not.

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Northwest Tarot Symposium – Portland, Oregon – March 4-6

January 27th, 2016 § 0 comments § permalink

Northwest Tarot Symposium 2016 - poster by Erik C. Dunne

poster by Erik C. Dunne

It’s back! Bigger and better than ever – the Northwest Tarot Symposium in Portland, Oregon.

This year’s event looks like it’s going to be especially interesting.  It’s three days chock full of fabulous cartomancy workshops using Tarot, Oracle, and Lenormand decks, and taught by some of the most popular practitioners in the field today.

Check out the Symposium’s website at, and/or join the Facebook group to learn more.

I wish I could be there!!

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Tarot Card of the Day – 1/27/16

January 27th, 2016 § 0 comments § permalink

Prince of Wands from Georgie's Tarot

Prince of Wands

Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Prince of Wands

Charge forward with strength and vitality.  This is a day of power, passion and growing energy. Your plan is in place and now’s the time to take it to the next step.  Use your internal fire to take you where you’re trying to go.

You don’t need to wait till everything’s perfect to start moving.  In fact, more often than not, things don’t start falling where they should until you start shifting them up and get some excitement going.  Take a chance that you know what you’re doing and act on it.  Believe in yourself and don’t be shy.

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