Wake Up To Spring

April 8th, 2012 § 0 comments

Yellow Crocus

It’s Easter today, and I’ve been enjoying some chocolate. I’ve also been enjoying the weather and thinking about spring.

With each new season there’s a sense of something starting, and with spring, that feeling is especially strong.

Everything has been asleep for months and it’s finally waking up and starting fresh. It’s green, and busy, and full of hope. I just love it.

So to capture the spirit, and to get some direction on how to make the most of the season, I put together a quick Tarot spread.

Try it out …

Wake Up To Spring

1. What talent of mine has been asleep for the last few months?

2. How best to wake it up and make it new?

3. What needs to be planted?

4. What needs to be weeded out?

5. How can I make this spring especially good?

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