#18 The Moon
#18 – The Moon
If your tarot number adds up to 18, your personality is represented by the Moon.
There’s often a shroud of mystery surrounding you, but it’s certainly not because you don’t let others know what you think. You’re willing to ask the hard questions and squarely face your fears.
You’ve got a depth to your personality that makes people want to know more. Your friends and associates often have the sense that you’re not revealing everything, even if you talk a lot.
Highly intuitive, and often psychic, Moon personalities are typically interested in the occult and/or other topics on the darker side.
The Moon personality has the soul symbol of the Hermit.
Famous Moons:
Albert Schweitzer, Allen Ginsberg, Anaîs Nin, Anthony Hopkins, Billie Holiday, Bill Murray, Bob Marley, Carl Jung, Charles Bukowski, Cher, Copernicus, Courtney Love, Cuba Gooding, Jr., Dustin Hoffman, Elvis Presley, Francis Bacon, Frank Lloyd Wright, Garth Brooks, Harrison Ford, Hunter S. Thompson, Israel Regardie, Jean-Paul Gaultier, J.D. Rockefeller, Jim Carrey, Jimi Hendrix, Jimmy Carter, Malcolm McDowell, Lisa Marie Presley, Matt Groening, Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Naomi Klein, Orson Welles, Patricia Arquette, Prince, Rasputin, Robert Redford, Robin Williams, Rodin, Sharon Osbourne, Sharon Stone, Shirley MacLain, Stalin, Tom Thomson, Virginia Woolf, Walker Evans, Wayne Brady, Whitney Houston, Yoko Ono
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