Modifying Your Tarot Deck

August 14th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

I’ve been considering it for a while, but I think Leisa ReFalo of The Tarot Connection may have finally convinced me to take a cutter to my favourite deck. Well, maybe not my original favourite, but one of the copies I’ve got hidden in my Tarot cabinet.

If you’re a Tarot lover with a crafting nature, take a look at this video to see Leisa’s border cutting techniques and tools. She uses the Thoth deck as an example, and I think that’s what sold me. It looks beautiful without the frames.

But Leisa doesn’t stop with just border cutting. She also embellishes, showing us how to gild the edges and use just the right amount of iridescence to highlight a particular symbol.

She’s obviously quite expert at the game, slicing with ease and warning us of the crafting pitfalls possible in the modification process. And then of course, there’s the gallery of decks she shows at the end, proving she’s done it more than once.

I’ve got to get myself a cutter, maybe a rounding tool and some gold pens. This could be a disaster, but I’m going to try.

And for a slightly different border cutting technique with different tools, take a look at Donnaleigh de La Rose’s border cutting video. The cards look great.

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