The Alchemical Tarot: Renewed

August 10th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

The Alchemical Tarot by Robert M. Place

Here’s a worthwhile project to get behind – Robert M. Place’s 3rd edition of The Alchemical Tarot.

Harper/Collins in London published the original version of this deck in 1995, and Place himself republished it in 2007. Both editions have sold out.

Fortunately for me, I got myself one of the originals back in 2003. But if I’d known it was going to be worth as much as $2,000 just a few years later, I might have treated it more gently, or at least kept the box.

It’s a gorgeous deck, filled with magic. The images are beautiful, but even more importantly the messages are brilliant. It’s alchemy expressed through the lens of the Tarot, and is unlike any other.

The second edition of the deck, called The Alchemical Tarot: Renewed, updated the first version. And the third edition has even more changes, including a second Lovers card.

Apparently, Harper/Collins thought Place’s original depiction of the Lovers was too risqué. Now we can decide for ourselves. I can’t wait to see it.

Also updated in this third printing, are the card backs and the little-white-book, which has become a little bigger.

Place is ready to go to print, and he’s going to do it no matter what. But he’s got an IndieGoGo page and is offering some wonderful gifts for those who’d like to help him raise the cost of printing.

Take a look at his page and consider helping an inspired deck be reborn.

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