Mars in Scorpio – The Tower’s Lightening Strikes Death

November 19th, 2019 § Comments Off on Mars in Scorpio – The Tower’s Lightening Strikes Death § permalink

Mars in Scorpio, the Tower's Lightening Strikes Death

Mars moves into Scorpio today and will stay there until January 3rd.

Looking at this transit through the eyes of the Tarot, it would be like the Tower’s lightening is striking Death. Transformation has been ignited.

Mars in Scorpio, or the Tower’s lightening striking Death, can be a period of significant internal transformation. And change that was taking place slowly might start picking up speed.

Be as open to the changes around you as you can, and courageous enough to face what you see.

If an unexpected insight prompts you to reconsider aspects of your life – dive in and explore the situation fully.

Have faith that endings will be followed by renewal, and dormancy replaced with something fresh and very much alive.

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Mars in Scorpio – The Tower’s Lightening Strikes Death

December 9th, 2017 § Comments Off on Mars in Scorpio – The Tower’s Lightening Strikes Death § permalink

Mars in Scorpio, the Tower's Lightening Strikes Death

Mars moves into Scorpio today and will stay there until January 26th.

Looking at this transit through the eyes of the Tarot, it would be like the Tower’s lightening is striking Death. Transformation has been ignited.

Mars in Scorpio, or the Tower’s lightening striking Death, can be a period of significant internal transformation. And change that was taking place slowly might start picking up speed.

Be as open to the changes around you as you can, and courageous enough to face what you see.

If an unexpected insight prompts you to reconsider aspects of your life – dive in and explore the situation fully.

Have faith that endings will be followed by renewal, and dormancy replaced with something fresh and very much alive.

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Mars in Scorpio – The Tower’s Lightening Strikes Death

May 27th, 2016 § 0 comments § permalink

Mars in Scorpio, the Tower's Lightening Strikes Death

Mars moves into Scorpio today and will stay there until August 2nd.

Looking at this transit through the eyes of the Tarot, it would be like the Tower’s lightening is striking Death. Transformation has been ignited.

Mars in Scorpio, or the Tower’s lightening striking Death, can be a period of significant internal transformation. And change that was taking place slowly might start picking up speed.

Be as open to the changes around you as you can, and courageous enough to face what you see.

If an unexpected insight prompts you to reconsider aspects of your life – dive in and explore the situation fully.

Have faith that endings will be followed by renewal, and dormancy replaced with something fresh and very much alive.

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Mars in Scorpio – The Tower’s Lightening Strikes Death

January 3rd, 2016 § 0 comments § permalink

Mars in Scorpio, the Tower's Lightening Strikes Death

Mars moves into Scorpio today and will stay there until March 6th.

Looking at this transit through the eyes of the Tarot, it would be like the Tower’s lightening is striking Death. Transformation has been ignited.

Mars in Scorpio, or the Tower’s lightening striking Death, can be a period of significant internal transformation. And change that was taking place slowly might start picking up speed.

Be as open to the changes around you as you can, and courageous enough to face what you see.

If an unexpected insight prompts you to reconsider aspects of your life – dive in and explore the situation fully.

Have faith that endings will be followed by renewal, and dormancy replaced with something fresh and very much alive.

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Mars in Scorpio – The Tower's Lightening Strikes Death

July 25th, 2014 § 0 comments § permalink

Mars in Scorpio, the Tower's Lightening Strikes Death

Mars moves into Scorpio today and will stay there until September 13th.

Looking at this transit through the eyes of the Tarot, it would be like the Tower’s lightening is striking Death. Transformation has been ignited.

Mars in Scorpio, or the Tower’s lightening striking Death, can be a period of significant internal transformation. And change that was taking place slowly might start picking up speed.

Be as open to the changes around you as you can, and courageous enough to face what you see.

If an unexpected insight prompts you to reconsider aspects of your life – dive in and explore the situation fully.

Have faith that endings will be followed by renewal, and dormancy replaced with something fresh and very much alive.

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Mars in Scorpio – The Tower's Lightening Strikes Death

August 23rd, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink

Mars in Scorpio, the Tower's Lightening Strikes Death

Mars moves into Scorpio today and will stay there until October 7th.

Looking at this transit through the eyes of the Tarot, it would be like the Tower’s lightening is striking Death. Transformation has been ignited.

The Tower hearkens change, typically of the sudden and unexpected kind.

Solid structures no longer feel secure, and those in charge can find themselves more than a little unsure of where they might be headed.

But the bolt of lightening also brings new energy with it, and a blinding flash of light that can open new perspectives. Shocking though it is, the Tower energy is illuminating as well.

Death is also a card of change, but it’s more emotionally charged than spiritually ignited. It’s less about illumination, and more about reflection.

Putrefaction is its theme. It’s transformation through decay, slow moving, but ever progressing.

In Tarot, Death isn’t an end so much as a stage. It’s like a caterpillar’s time in a cocoon, an internal process of regeneration.

The Tower’s lightening forces Death’s normally hidden processes to suddenly come to light. Though it’s not always pretty, it’s usually worth paying attention to.

Mars in Scorpio, or the Tower’s lightening striking Death, can be a period of significant internal transformation. And change that was taking place slowly might start picking up speed.

Be as open to the changes around you as you can, and courageous enough to face what you see.

If an unexpected insight prompts you to reconsider aspects of your life – dive in and explore the situation fully.

Have faith that endings will be followed by renewal, and dormancy replaced with something fresh and very much alive.

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