A General Reading for a Southern Belle

August 25th, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink

I’ve posted one of Tom Benjamin’s videos before. He does readings for literary and historical characters – people like Lincoln, Dracula, Rapanzel, Lizzie Borden …

In this case he does one for Scarlett O’Hara, a favourite character of mine when I was a child. Though I always knew she was trouble, I just loved the way she flounced.

The video below shows Benjamin doing a general reading for the Southern Belle.

In it, he makes a point of explaining the difference between reading with a question, versus reading without one.

In fact, to illustrate the difference, he does two readings for Scarlett, the one below, and a second one you can find at his youtube page.

Take a look. They’re really interesting.

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A Reading for President Lincoln …

July 9th, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink

Tom Benjamin has been doing some video readings for literary and historical figures.

He’s posted two that I’ve seen so far, one for Hamlet and the one posted below for President Lincoln.

I think they’re great. They’re fun, insightful, and a fantastic way to get to know how to read cards.

Benjamin credits James Riclef and his book Tarot Reading Explained for the technique. It’s a good one.

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