Varitan's Illustrated Greek Myths

April 13th, 2011 § 2 comments § permalink

Varitan's Illustrated Greek Myths

Varitan's Illustrated Greek Myths

This book looks great.

Varitan’s Illustrated Greek Myths brings the ancient gods and goddesses to life, telling their stories in a post-modern voice.

Each chapter is a different classic tale accompanied by the magical illustrations of Argentinean illustrator, Federico Ulises Parolo.

Editor and publisher Jorian Polis Schutz’s narrative makes it easy to see how these old stories are very much alive in our present-day world.

Like Tarot cards, the Greek myths touch on all the big themes of the human experience. Our costumes may change, but we keep living out these stories again and again.

You can download the tales of Phaethon and Medusa for a little taste of the fun.

And needless to say, the illustrations in the book would make fantastic Tarot cards.

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