Two Years of Blogging with The Tarot Room

October 20th, 2012 § 4 comments § permalink

Today marks the 2nd anniversary of The Tarot Room blog! Hip Hip Hooray!!

Knight of Cups from the Smith Waite Tarot

I asked the cards what they thought I should do to celebrate the event, and they offered me up the Knight of Cups.

He’s a sweet Knight on a white horse, intuitive, kind, and active in extending his appreciation and good will to all.

It made me think that I should be actively extending my appreciation, love and good will to all my blog readers – so that’s what I’ll do.

In appreciation of all The Tarot Room readers, from now until November 19th, anyone who books an hour-long reading and mentions this post will get 20% off.

Thank You! And Cheers!! You know it’s champagne in the Knight of Cups cup, and he and I are raising our glasses to you!

*this offer is good for gift certificates too

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