Trick or Treat

October 31st, 2011 § 4 comments § permalink

In honour of Halloween, I asked the deck for a card that might represent this spooky holiday.

The card I got was the 7 of Cups. In the Rider Waite Smith version, the image is of man in shadows looking up at a cloud in which seven golden chalices hover.

7 of Cups from the Rider Waite Smith Tarot

7 of Cups

Each chalice contains a different item – a woman’s head, a snake, a castle, jewels, a victory wreath, a dragon, and someone shining and hidden. Are they dressed as a ghost?

If there were ever a card that might suggest Trick or Treat I’d say this is it.

What’s the guy in the shadows want? Is his choice going to be a trick or a treat?

We know that the figure under the sheet is in question, but what of the other possibilities?

The chalice with the victory wreath has a skull on it, and is that castle real or made of sand? The dragon is downright scary, as is the snake, though it may of course be of the garden variety.

The jewels look nice, and the girl is pretty, but money and love can always be a two edged sword. And anyways, the gems might be baubles, and the girl looks like she’s fading into the mist.

This card points to indecision and emotional uncertainty. It suggests feelings of longing, fantasies and undefined fears.

It advises us to get real, and stop being afraid to make up our minds. We can never be completely sure we’re making the right choice, but we’ve got to choose anyway.

For a Halloween card, this 7 surprised me, but with Trick or Treat in mind, it makes a lot of sense.

And the more I look at it, the guy in the sheet is definitely dressed as ghost.

Happy Halloween Everyone! Boo.

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Tarot Card of the Day – 10/31/11

October 31st, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

Two of Cups from Georgie's Tarot

9 of Cups

Monday, October 31, 2011
2 of Cup

It looks like it’ll be a sweet day.  Open communication full of love and tenderness.  This is a day to make sure you tell the people you love how much they mean to you.

If you’re starting a romantic relationship, or in one, it can be especially delicious.  Be romantic and enjoy each other.  It’s a time of beauty, peace and innocence, the reason we love love so much.

If you’re not feeling romantic, take the energy and let yourself simply express how much you care about those around you. 

It will be most powerful if you tell them one-to-one.  Let them know they’re special, it’ll make you feel great too.

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Beyond Worlds with Rachel Pollack – Soul Forest

October 30th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

Unfortunately, due to the snowstorm in the northeast US last night, Beyond Worlds is cancelled today. But the wonderful show with Rachel Pollack described below will be rescheduled as soon as possible. Sorry for any inconvenience.

Rachel Pollack at the Bay Area Tarot Symposium 2011

Rachel Pollack

Today on Beyond Worlds we have a special time and a very special guest.

It’s an afternoon show with Rachel Pollack, brilliant Tarot writer, deck designer, teacher, and grand mistress of all things esoteric.

She’ll be talking to us about her brand new book, Soul Forest: Twenty-Four Tarot Writings published through Tarot Media Company.

Soul Forest by Rachel Pollack

By combining a question, some cards, and the reader’s intuition, intellect, and imagination, Tarot can become a magical treasure map leading to the jewels of the soul.

There couldn’t be a better person than Rachel to help us in the quest. I can hardly wait.

We’ll be live in the chat room, or you can call in at (646) 200-0765.

Beyond Worlds with Rachel Pollack – Soul Forest – live or in archive
Sunday, October 30, 2011
4:00 pm ET (1:00 pm PT)

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Moon in Capricorn – High Priestess in the Devil's Clothing

October 30th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

The High Priestess dressed as the Devil

High Priestess as the Devil

The Moon moves into Capricorn today and will stay there until Tuesday.

If you were to describe this transit using the Tarot, you might say that the High Priestess is wearing the Devil’s clothing. The virginal goddess has gotten downright beastly.

The Moon in Capricorn, or High Priestess in the Devil’s clothing, is a period of potential internal conflict. The physical world might seem to draw you away from what you typically believe to be right.

You might feel driven or compelled by behaviours and attitudes that go against the grain of your morality. It could be liberating or disturbing, depending on your secrets.

Whatever’s going on though, don’t be too hard on yourself. Get obsessions out of your system, and learn what you can about yourself while you do so.

You should be ready to move on soon. There’s nothing wrong with a little focused physicality. Just don’t get stuck.

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Tarot Card of the Day – 10/30/11

October 30th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

#6 The Lovers from Georgie's Tarot

#6 The Lovers

Sunday, October 30, 2011
#6 – The Lovers

Are there choices to be made?  Decisions you’ve put off for another time?  Well this is the time.  The Lovers card asks us to finally make up our minds – either commit or get out now.

On a personal level, the Lovers reminds us to balance the opposites within ourselves.  Are your ying and yang in sync?  Does your conscious experience compliment your unconscious dream state or do they seem at war?  Are you living a life that satisfies your soul? Heavy questions, but this is a great day to think about them.  In fact, you might find it difficult not to.

This is a serious commitment you’re thinking about.  To help you make up your mind, ask yourself which direction brings you closer to your soul’s call. You probably already know the answer.

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Tarot History

October 29th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

I know I’ve posted a lot of videos this week, but here’s another. It’s a clip from The History Channel’s ‘Secrets of the Playing Card’ featuring the history of the Tarot.

The music’s a little melodramatic, as are the recurring cuts to a sinister looking card reading. They seemed to want to make the Tarot look spookier than it really is.

Overall though, I actually enjoyed the piece and thought the information was pretty solid.

Take a look for yourself and see what you think.

Thanks to ElectroPagan for posting it.

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Tarot Card of the Day – 10/29/11

October 29th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

#10 The Wheel of Fortune from Georgie's Tarot

#10 Wheel of Fortune

Saturday, October 29, 2011
Wheel of Fortune

Do it now!  It’s a fantastic day to get going on whatever project (especially a new one) you’ve been thinking about.  Opportunities abound for you to finally move forward with your plan.

Don’t be afraid if you think you can’t do it?  You’ve been spending plenty of time thinking about it.  Look close, you’ll see you have all you need to make it work.

The only thing that will slow you down is doing things the same old way.  Start fresh now.  You’re ready to go. 

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Robert Anton Wilson on Aleister Crowley

October 28th, 2011 § 2 comments § permalink

Eye in the Triangle by Israel Regardie

Eye in the Triangle

If you’re interested in Aleister Crowley and have some time, take a listen to the interview posted below with Robert Anton Wilson.

Author of over thirty-five books, and many other works, Wilson was perhaps best known for The Illuminatus! Triology.

I recently came across him in his introduction to Israel Regardie’s biography on Crowley called The Eye in the Triangle.

Regardie’s book is facinating, depicting Crowley as human, rather than wicked, delusional or a saint.

It reads as a fair account of the mystic’s life from the perspective of someone who knew him, worked closely with him for a time, and understood well the concepts of magic and initiation.

I’m almost finished the book, so it was kind of a thrill to come across this recording.

In it, Wilson clears up some of the enduring misconceptions about Crowley, while discussing his work and his influences.

He admires Crowley for the inroads he made in the understanding of consciousness, and at one point describes him as a sort of male mix of Sinead O’Connor and Madonna.

Among other themes, Wilson talks about the Golden Dawn, the Aeon of Horus, Thelema, magical initiations, Rosicrucianism, and the Masons.

He also describes why he especially liked Crowley’s Book of the Law and the Book of Lies.

I don’t know who did the interview, but you can find it posted at the Alchemical Archives blog.

They’ve got a lot of interesting recordings there. If you like this one, you might want to look around.

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Moon in Sagittarius – High Priestess in Temperance's Clothing

October 28th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

The High Priestess dressed in Temperance's Clothing

High Priestess as Temperance

The Moon moves into Sagittarius today and will be there until Friday.

Looking at it through the eyes of the Tarot, you can describe this transit as being like the High Priestess wearing Temperance’s clothing. She’s dressed like an angel.

The Moon in Sagittarius, or High Priestess in Temperance’s clothing, indicates a time when intellect, practicality, emotions and passion can work together in relative ease.

What’s normally only an idea might find its way to becoming real. Even-tempered inspiration and emotional playfulness can create what look like miracles.

Take this time to bring your emotions in line with your passions. And play with your most serious ideas. It’s in combining the unexpected that you’ll likely find gold.

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Tarot Card of the Day – 10/28/11

October 28th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

#20 Judgment from Georgie's Tarot

#20 Judgment

Friday, October 28, 2011
#20 – Judgment

Most likely, this is an important time.  You’re probably coming to the end of a long phase and are in the process of review.  Judgment might be a heavy word to use, but that’s likely the situation – you’re judging yourself and your progress to date.  How do you rate yourself?  How are you rating others?   Where do you want to go next?

There’s a strong element of resurrection in this energy.  As the phase you’re in comes to a close, you ready yourself for rebirth.  Listen carefully to what your soul is trying to tell you. What have you learned through these last years? What might you want to try again? What might you want to let go of? The big question is how might you be even more alive going forward?

Enjoy this time for what it is, though it might feel confusing and even a little anxiety-ridden. Soon there will be movement. Take a good look at your past, a good look at your present and envision what you want to do next. What do you want your life to be like tomorrow? It’s up to you to make it happen.

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