Sun in Aquarius – Sun Dressed as the Star

January 20th, 2025 § Comments Off on Sun in Aquarius – Sun Dressed as the Star § permalink

Sun in Aquarius, the Sun Dressed as The Star

The Sun just moved into Aquarius and will be there until February 19th.

Looking at this transit from a Tarot perspective, it would be like the Sun child is dressed as the Star. He’s as naked as he ever was, but now he’s a lady, and up past dark.

The Sun in Aquarius, or the Sun dressed as the Star, is a time of active grace, perfect for healing and emotional renewal.

It’s a wonderful opportunity to dream, and to allow yourself a ray of optimism, especially if the going’s been a little rough lately.

Trust yourself, and the universe. It’s not out to get you. In fact, it wants to help.

Find your flow and don’t be afraid of letting your feelings spill out. You might have needed to for a while now.

And if there was ever a time to wish upon a star, this is it. She’s listening.

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Sun in Capricorn – Sun in the Devil’s Clothing

December 21st, 2024 § Comments Off on Sun in Capricorn – Sun in the Devil’s Clothing § permalink

Sun in Capricorn, or the Sun Dressed in the Devil's Clothing

The Sun moves into Capricorn today, and will stay there until January 19th.

From a Tarot perspective, this transit would be like the Sun child is dressed as the Devil. He’s gotten hairy and has gone underground.

The Sun in Capricorn, or the Sun dressed in the Devil’s clothing, is a good time to look at areas in your life that feel restrictive, whether from the outside, or from within.

If you feel chained, unchain yourself. But if you like your chains, then just enjoy. Be aware though that you’re the one to choose.

Serious play, or structured freedom is also highlighted during this transit. And that makes sense with the holidays.

You might not be working at your regular job, but you’re not completely free either.

There’s an obligation to celebrate, whether you want to or not. And since that’s the case, you might as well dive in and enjoy this time for all it’s worth.

Work hard and play hard, but try not to take any of it too seriously.

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Sun in Sagittarius – Sun Dressed in Temperance’s Clothing

November 21st, 2024 § Comments Off on Sun in Sagittarius – Sun Dressed in Temperance’s Clothing § permalink

Sun in Sagittarius, Sun Dressed in Temperance's Clothing

The Sun moves into Sagittarius today and will be there until December 21st.

If we look at this transit from a Tarot perspective, it would be like the Sun is dressed as Temperance. He’s done up like an angel and is playing with water.

The Sun in Sagittarius, or the Sun dressed as Temperance, is a time of energetic harmony and balanced enthusiasm.

Use it to expose any imbalances that might be tilting you off kilter and gently readjust as required.

Have fun with the world around you, and be open to connections beyond the five senses. Preconceived ideas of what’s possible will only hold you back.

We can’t always see divine energy at play. Then the Sun shines just right and a rainbow appears.

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Sun in Scorpio – Sun in Death’s Clothing

October 22nd, 2024 § Comments Off on Sun in Scorpio – Sun in Death’s Clothing § permalink

Sun in Scorpio, Sun Dressed in Death's Clothing

The Sun moves into Scorpio today and will be there until November 21st.

If you look at this transit from a Tarot perspective, it would be like the Sun is dressed in Death’s clothing. He’s still on his horse, but he’s much more armoured than usual.

The Sun in Scorpio, or the Sun dressed in Death’s clothing, is a period that highlights change, quite literally lighting it up.

It’s a great time to bring clarity to issues usually too deep or dark to properly understand.

What you see might not always be pretty, but it could be a powerful motivator.

Dig on into the muck and don’t be afraid to get dirty. Play around even, the dark can be as fun as the light.

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Sun in Libra – The Sun Dressed in Justice’s Clothing

September 22nd, 2024 § Comments Off on Sun in Libra – The Sun Dressed in Justice’s Clothing § permalink

Sun in Libra, Sun in Justice's Clothing

The Sun moved into Libra and will stay there until October 22nd.

Through the eyes of the Tarot, this transit is like the Sun Child is dressed in Justice’s clothing.

The Sun in Libra, or the Sun Child dressed as Justice, is a period of enthusiastic equilibrium, a time to energize by rebalancing.

Karma is exposed, and cause and effect are more obvious than usual. It’s a great time to figure out what effects you’d like to cause going forward.

There’s power in restraint, and in letting go. The creative process needs both, not too much, not too little.

The trick, of course, is getting the balance just right. Use this month to figure out yours, and shine while you’re doing it.

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Sun in Virgo – Sun Dressed in the Hermit’s Clothing

August 22nd, 2024 § Comments Off on Sun in Virgo – Sun Dressed in the Hermit’s Clothing § permalink

Sun Dressed in the Hermit's Clothing - Sun in Virgo

The Sun moves into Virgo tomorrow and will be there until September 22nd.

If we look at this transit from a Tarot perspective, it would be like the Sun child is wearing the Hermit’s clothing. He’s tucked his curls into a cowl and is wandering in the snow.

The Sun in Virgo, or the Sun child dressed in the Hermit’s clothing is a time of enthusiastic order, and wisdom laid bare.

Enjoy learning, digging up the details, and brightening old ways of doing things with fresh insight.

Tie up loose strings, finish outstanding projects, and gather the information you’re going to need for the next stage of your journey.

In a phrase – get organized! There’s energy to do it now that can make the process a pleasure rather than a chore.

And don’t worry if you’re not moving as fast as you might normally. Take your time. We can miss so much when we hurry.

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Sun in Cancer – The Sun Dressed as the Charioteer

June 20th, 2024 § Comments Off on Sun in Cancer – The Sun Dressed as the Charioteer § permalink

Sun Dressed in the Charioteer's Clothing - Sun in Cancer

The Sun moves into Cancer today, and stays there until July 222nd.

From a Tarot perspective, this transit would be like the Sun is dressed as the Charioteer. He’s put on some armour and exchanged his horse for a chariot and a couple of sphinxes.

The Sun in Cancer, or the Sun dressed as the Charioteer, is a time when the fight might not seem as important as the journey. And it might be more productive to play a little than to battle.

It’s a period of strength, vitality and the will to succeed. Use it to push through emotional blocks, or attitudes that may have been holding you back.

And get back to work on any projects you’ve been letting languish. Perseverance should be the word of the month.

But try looking at what you have to do as a game, rather than a taxing burden. As long as you keep playing, you’ll be winning.

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Sun in Gemini – Sun in the Clothes of the Lovers’ Angel

May 20th, 2024 § Comments Off on Sun in Gemini – Sun in the Clothes of the Lovers’ Angel § permalink

Sun as the Lovers' Angel

The Sun moves into Gemini tomorrow and will stay there until July 22nd.

Through the eyes of the Tarot, this transit is like the Sun is wearing the clothes of the Lovers’ Angel. He’s thrown on a robe and donned some wings.

The Sun in Gemini, or the Sun wearing the clothes of the Lovers’ Angel, is an excellent time to see all sides of a situation. And a good time to keep your mind open wide to inspiration.

When you do make a decision, it’s one that should stick. Or at least, it should be taken seriously.

If there are any issues that need working through, let them out for review. Clarity is at a high and the big picture is easy to see.

Is there something in your life that needs to be united? How about severed? It could go either way, or some way you didn’t expect at all.

Stay flexible, but serious, joyful and sincere. Love and sensitivity flourish as the Sun commits to a brand new season.

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Sun in Taurus – Sun in the Hierophant’s Clothing

April 19th, 2024 § Comments Off on Sun in Taurus – Sun in the Hierophant’s Clothing § permalink

Sun in Hierophant's clothes

The Sun moves into Taurus today and will stay there until May 20th.

Looking at it through the eyes of the tarot, this transit is like the Sun is dressed as the Hierophant. The nude child is putting on some heavy robes and getting serious.

The Sun in Taurus, or the Sun dressed as the Hierophant, is a time where you can confidently express what you believe.

Making decisions isn’t a heavy burden, but rather a task to be tackled with determination, and even a certain joy.

Take pleasure in the human expression of the spirit, in the things we make, feel and hold up as sacred.

Having faith is very human. Use this time to actively connect to what you believe in, and share it as if it were a song, or a really good joke. Have fun with it.

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Sun in Aries – the Sun in the Emperor’s Clothing

March 20th, 2024 § Comments Off on Sun in Aries – the Sun in the Emperor’s Clothing § permalink

Sun in Aries, the Sun Dressed as the Emperor

The Sun moved into Aries today and will stay there until April 19th.

From a Tarot perspective, it would be like the Sun is wearing the Emperor’s clothing. His scarlet flag is now his robe, and he’s left his horse for the throne.

The Sun in Aries, or the Sun wearing the Emperor’s clothing, is a time of fiery energy and exciting potential.

There’s new enthusiasm in the air, and you’re likely to be feeling motivated to start fresh and do things you’ve only been thinking about till now.

Mark out your territory and create the empire you’ve been dreaming of. But keep it transparent and as playful as possible, you don’t want to be a tyrant.

Take charge of yourself and make your world great. Let others do the same in their own way.

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