September 30th, 2013 § § permalink
This looks interesting … The Occult Humanities Conference: Contemporary Art and Scholarship on the Esoteric Traditions – October 18-20th, NYC.
Organized by Pam Grossman and Jesse Bransford, this weekend-long conference at New York University, features a wide selection of speakers and topics all focusing on the occult tradition as seen through contemporary research, scholarship and artistic practice.
There’ll be lectures, artist talks, and group discussions, as well as art displays, and the haunting music of The Parlour Trick.
Visit the conference website for full details.
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September 30th, 2013 § § permalink

2 of Swords
Monday, September 30, 2013
2 of Swords
This is a day to take your time and think things through – calmly and quietly. Trust your inner voice and let silence be your friend. There’s probably a lot of emotion behind your thoughts these days. Try to keep balance.
Make sure you’re not overthinking things. It’s all about listening to both your logic and your intuition. Both have something to say to you right now. Try not to let your emotions sweep you away or your thoughts crush you down. You’ll know what to do when you need to do it. No need to act right now, just sit.
Mental peace is the energy you’ll discover in your quietude. Keep still. Keep calm. Your thoughts may be heavy, but you’re more than strong enough to hold them.
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September 29th, 2013 § § permalink

High Priestess as Strength
The Moon moves into Leo today and stays there until Tuesday.
Translated into Tarot cards, this transit would be like the High Priestess is wearing Strength’s clothing. She’s thrown off her heavy cape and is spending some time outside with her lion.
The Moon in Leo, or High Priestess in Strength’s clothing is potentially a time of emotional power. Something beautiful that’s usually under wraps can finally be revealed.
The silence is broken. Quiet wisdom and passion can be united. During this time, it might be difficult to keep your ideas to yourself. But why should you?
Try finding an outlet for plans you’ve been sitting on? This is an opportunity to shine if you’re not over-burdened by self-consciousness.
It might feel a little uncomfortable at first, but letting your wilder side out right now could be positive. The sun isn’t always shining. Take advantage of it when it does.
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September 29th, 2013 § § permalink

4 of Disks
Sunday, September 29, 2013
4 of Disks
Money might be tough to come by, while time is even more precious. Wherever you look, though, it seems like someone else is asking for more. The tendency here is to gather yourself and your resources and go off alone to think.
Go ahead and do that if you’d like, but try not to get yourself too closed off. You probably have more than you think you do. Maybe even enough to share.
If you’re being asked to spend on something that will help establish an even firmer foundation than you presently have, give it some serious thought. It might be more than you had anticipated, but the pay offs are probably well worth it.
Extravagant or foolish spending is not recommended, but remember the old adage – it takes money to make money. If you don’t put it out there, be it actual money, your physical effort or something else you consider really important, nothing’s coming back.
This is true about your emotions as well, don’t hold them too close to the chest. Be generous with your heart. Remember, you get what you give.
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September 28th, 2013 § § permalink
For your Saturday viewing pleasure … I offer you Carl JK laying around with a couple of my more well-worn Tarot decks – the Golden Rider and my beloved Thoth.

Have a great weekend!!
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September 28th, 2013 § § permalink

Page of Disks
Saturday, September 28, 2013
Page of Disks
It’s time to get down to the details. A new project is in the works and you’ve got the task of making it happen – or at least starting the process off.
Keep the reason you’re doing it in mind – that’s the fire that drives the whole enterprise.
If the less than exciting details are getting you down, remember that it’s the details that build the foundation to any project.
Don’t be afraid to sludge and trudge on through. It’ll be worth it in the end.
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September 27th, 2013 § § permalink

When I came across this meditative young man, I couldn’t help but think of the Rider-Waite-Smith 2 of Swords.

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September 27th, 2013 § § permalink

Page of Wands
Friday, September 27, 2013
Page of Wands
New energy and general enthusiasm are your gifts for today. It’s time to start moving towards your dreams.
It might be just the beginning, but you have to start somewhere and you have the energy and passion to do it right now. Why wait?
Look into your heart and see what makes it stand up and sing. That’s the sign that you’re on the right track.
Be fearless and fun and see where it takes you.
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September 26th, 2013 § § permalink

The Moon moves into Cancer today, and stays there until Sunday.
Looking at this transit through the lens of the Tarot, you might describe it as the High Priestess dressed in the clothing of the Charioteer. She’s left the safety of her pillars and veil, and has hit the road.
The Moon in Cancer, or the High Priestess dressed as the Charioteer, can be a powerful time of comfortable change and emotional resilience.
Knowledge gathered in silence has coalesced and it’s time to share without fear of being hurt.
Emotional loyalty, intuitive direction and strength of character can give you the resolve to go forward. Even into the unknown.
Try not to coddle yourself. You can only win if you have the courage to play to the end.
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September 26th, 2013 § § permalink

Prince of Disks
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Prince of Disks
It’s a good time to get to work. Nothing exciting, just keep moving forward step by step. It’ll go a lot faster now that you’re seriously on your way.
Enjoy this building process. You’re making steady progress. If you keep moving like this, you’ll reach your goals soon.
And if you’re feeling a little dull because all you do is work, work and plan for more work, that’s okay. That’s what the energy is right now and you might as well go with it.
Creating stability is worth the effort. There’ll be plenty of time for fun soon enough.
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