Tangelo and The Orisha Tarot

February 1st, 2025 § Comments Off on Tangelo and The Orisha Tarot § permalink

My friend Tangelo helping out with a reading using Andrew McGregor’s The Orisha Tarot

Tangelo and The Orisha Tarot

The Wild Unknown Pocket Tarot – a deck review

January 18th, 2025 § Comments Off on The Wild Unknown Pocket Tarot – a deck review § permalink

The Wild Unknown Pocket Tarot by Kim Krans

For today’s draw from Georgie’s Magic Card Collection, we’ll be looking at The Wild Unknown Pocket Tarot by Kim Krans, published in 2021 by Harper One.

6 Points About This Deck

  1. Artwork – The artwork in The Wild Unknown is hand drawn natural imagery made with no tools, ie. rulers and such. It’s gorgeous, and feels very personal. Colours are sparse, making their impact even more powerful when they do appear. As Krans says in the accompanying book, “I wanted the imagery to speak to a world of wild nature and mystery … a place where the darks are truly dark, and the lights are bright and expansive.” She succeeded.
  2. Booklet – For a pocket-size deck, this fully illustrated 207 page (also pocket-sized) booklet is impressive, with a description of each card, as well as an explanation as to how the deck came to be, some general info on Tarot, and a number of spreads to get you started.
  3. Court Cards – Instead of Page, Knight, King, and Queen, the Wild Unknown names its Court Cards Daughter, Son, Father, and Mother, again, creating a more personal feel to the deck.
  4. Tarot System – This deck follows the Marseille or Thoth ordering of the Major Arcana with Strength being #11 and Justice #8. And though the card descriptions basically follow the Tarot ideas of the Golden Dawn, the Wild Unknown is not a clone deck. What’s most striking about it is that there are no humans in any of the cards. Oddly, I find that refreshing.
  5. Readability – Despite there being no humans pictured in this deck, the Wild Unknown is quite readable, and offers very human advice. Even without looking at the definitions in the booklet (which are very helpful, by the way), with the darks being dark, and the lights being bright, all the trees and animals in each card make clear what it is they’re trying to say.
  6. Pocket-Size – There’s a full-size version of the Wild Unknown deck as well, first published in 2012. I have that deck too, and have always really liked it … but I’m very much enjoying this pocket size version. It fits so nicely in my palm, it’s easy to shuffle, doesn’t take up much space, and I love the tin box it comes in. This little version has reignited my love for this deck.

All in all, the Wild Unknown is a beautiful set of Tarot cards, whatever size you choose.

Learning Tarot – a deck review

January 13th, 2025 § Comments Off on Learning Tarot – a deck review § permalink

Learning Tarot by Witchy Cauldron

Today’s pull from Georgie’s Magic Card Collection is the Learning Tarot Deck from Witchy Cauldron. My copy was published in 2022.

6 or So Points About This Deck

  1. Learning Tarot – This Rider-Waite-Smith styled deck is appropriately named Learning Tarot, as it’s definitely meant to help new readers learn the cards. It’s available in multiple different languages.
  2. Key Words – A rather lengthy set of key words for both upright and reversed positions is printed on the front of each card.
  3. Affirmations – Each of the Major Arcana cards has an appropriate affirmation printed on the front.
  4. Chakras and Astrology – Each card identifies both its astrological associations and affiliated chakras.
  5. Yes/No – Also on each card, is the word – Yes, No, or Maybe … just in case you’re looking for something definitive (or definitivish).
  6. Image – The images for Learning Tarot are from the Rider-Waite-Smith deck, but are relatively small as they share space on each card with all of the above listed descriptors.

For someone new to Tarot, this deck would be great for practising and getting to know the cards. It allows you to throw them down without having to have a book with you to look things up each time. Eventually, you’ll probably want to move on to a deck that highlights the images more … but who knows. To each their own.

I kind of like this deck. The cards are hearty, the messages are clear, and it comes in two fantastic boxes. As a new reader, I would have loved it. As someone more seasoned, I don’t really need all the notes, and the images are a little small, but it’s fun anyway, and I’m happy I have it.

Matlock and the Thoth Tarot

January 2nd, 2025 § Comments Off on Matlock and the Thoth Tarot § permalink

I’m a little embarrassed to admit it, but I was watching Matlock the other night. Not the new one even, but the old one. The one with Andy Griffith from the ’80’s.

I’m making this admission here in The Tarot Room because the episode was called The Psychic (season 3, episode 13 with Camilla More).

The story line was fun … a psychic gets a vision that someone would be killed and that she was going to be accused of murder, so she goes to Matlock for defence before the killing even happens.

But it wasn’t the plot that grabbed me. It was that about half-way through, in a scene in an office of a psychic fair, there on the bulletin board were a bunch of cards from the Thoth Tarot.

I got a screenshot …

I haven’t really got anything to say about this sighting, except that I was thrilled to see my favourite deck there on the screen. I don’t see this deck in the wild too often. No comments were made about it, and I don’t think Tarot was even mentioned in the episode, but the cards were there. I liked that.

The Thoth Tarot – a deck review

December 18th, 2024 § Comments Off on The Thoth Tarot – a deck review § permalink

The Thoth Tarot by Aleister Crowley and Lady Frieda Harris

Today’s pull from Georgie’s Magic Card Collection is extra special to me. It’s a copy of my first Tarot deck … The Thoth Tarot designed by Aleister Crowley and painted by Lady Freida Harris. It’s published by US Games in association with AGM AGMuller.

8 Points About This Deck

  1. Deck Size – there are a number of different versions of the Thoth Tarot, varying in size and colouring
    •small version – 5X9 cm
    •medium version – 8X11 cm (my copy printed in 1983)
    •medium version – 7X11 cm (my copy printed in 2023)
    •large version – 9X14 cm
    There might be more, but these are the ones I have and know about. The small deck is fabulous for carrying around. It fits nicely in my hands and I just love it … but I have to say that the words printed at the bottom of each card are a little fuzzy (or at least mine are). The large deck is beautiful!! But it is a little big for regular readings, and is difficult to shuffle. For me, at least for regular readings, the medium size is just right.
  2. Colours – There’s been colour corrections done on the 2023 deck to apparently bring the images closer in line to those of the original watercolours by Frieda Harris. This change startled me at first, but I’ve grown accustomed to it now, and think the new (or should I say original) version is beautiful.
  3. Court Cards – After thirty years, and many other decks, I’m still blown away by how dynamic and gorgeous the Court Cards are in this deck … every one of them.
  4. Card Names – If you’re accustomed to the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot, you’ll find some differences in the Thoth Tarot. First off, the Suit of Disks replaces the Suit of Pentacles. As well …
    • •Knights replace Kings
    • •Princes replace Knights
    • •Princesses replace Pages
    • •The Magus replaces The Magician
    • •Adjustment replaces Justice
    • •Lust replaces Strength
    • •Art replaces Temperance
    • •The Aeon replaces Judgement
    • •The Universe replaces The World
  5. Ordering – The Thoth Tarot identifies Adjustment/Justice as #8, and Lust/Strength as #11 (opposite to the RWS Tarot).
  6. Non-Tarot Associations – There are astrological and kabbalistic associations noted on each of the relevant cards.
  7. Keywords – There are keywords noted at the bottom of each of the Minor Arcana (excluding the Aces and Court Cards).
  8. Symbology – The Thoth Tarot highlights symbolism from all around the world and multiple spiritual/religious paths. Crowley intended it to be a compendium of the world’s spiritual and magical ideas.

There’s so much to say about this deck that 8 points is just not nearly enough, but that’s where I’m going to leave it for now. I’ve got nothing but positive things to say about The Thoth Tarot. It was my first deck, and after all these years, it’s still my favourite.

Happy Soul Yes/No Crystal Oracle Deck – a deck review

November 15th, 2024 § Comments Off on Happy Soul Yes/No Crystal Oracle Deck – a deck review § permalink

Happy Soul Yes/No Crystal Oracle Deck

Today’s pull from Georgie’s Magic Card Collection is the Happy Soul Yes/No Crystal Oracle Deck by Diane Kewley and Joey Wargachuk. I’m not sure when it was published, but I got my copy this past summer.

5 Points About This Deck

  1. Purpose: The Happy Soul Yes/No Crystal Oracle Deck is meant to offer a straight up affirmative or negative answer to a querent’s question … which is often what people are looking for when they’re wanting a divinatory reading, and Tarot isn’t always so good at that.
  2. Oracle Deck: The Happy Soul Yes/No Crystal Oracle is an Oracle deck, not Tarot. There are no Major or Minor Arcanas, simply 28 cards – 7 Yes, 7 No, 7 Maybe, and 7 Defer
  3. Crystals: Each card shows a different crystal along with a short phrase connected to the energy of the pictured stone, and the answer, ie. yes, no, maybe, defer
  4. Works Well With Others: This a great deck to use in tandem with other Oracle or Tarot decks … the Yes/No Crystal Oracle can suggest a yes/no/maybe/defer answer, while the other decks can fill in the details of that suggestion
  5. Happy Soul: Happy Soul is a crystal and metaphysical shop in Toronto with two locations, one on Bloor Street West, and the other on Queen West (I’ve only been to the Queen Street store). The founder of the shop, Diane Kewley is one of the deck creators, and as far as I know, Happy Soul is the only place to get a copy (in person, or online).

If you’re looking for a straight and easy answer from your cards, this is a fun deck to try. And if you’re already familiar with the properties of crystals, you might especially like it.

Remember though, nothing is definitive with Tarot, or any Oracle deck, so always use good judgement and your own discernment when making decisions that matter.

The Halloween Tarot – a deck review

October 30th, 2024 § Comments Off on The Halloween Tarot – a deck review § permalink

Today’s pull from Georgie’s Magic Card Collection is a Halloween treat … The Halloween Tarot by Karin Lee with artwork by Kipling West. My copy was published way back in 1996 by US Games, but there’s plenty of copies around today.

The Halloween Tarot by Karin Lee and Kipling West

5 Points About This Deck

  1. Theme: You may have guessed … Halloween is the theme of The Halloween Tarot. It’s a delightful celebration of monsters and goblins and vampires and ghosts and all kinds of tricks and treats,
  2. Suits: Following with the Halloween theme, instead of Cups, Wands, Swords, and Pentacles, The Halloween Tarot brings us Imps, Bats, Ghosts, and Pumpkins.
  3. Artwork: Adorable. Bright. Cheerful. Spooky. But not at all scary.
  4. Readability: The Halloween Tarot follows the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot structure, so if you’re comfortable with that, you’ll have no trouble with this deck. Not to mention, the pictures tell a great story on their own. It’s a pretty easy deck to read.
  5. Black Cat: There’s a wonderful big eye’d black cat in every single card. Having a black cat angel ghost in my own life … this only makes me love this deck more.

The Halloween Tarot is fantastic – fun and sweet and full of spirits … I recommend it to all.

The Magic Mirrors of Kitty Kahane’s Tarot – a deck review

October 20th, 2024 § Comments Off on The Magic Mirrors of Kitty Kahane’s Tarot – a deck review § permalink

The Magic Mirrors of Kitty Kahane's Tarot - a deck review

Today’s pull from Georgie’s Magic Card Collection is the Magic Mirrors of Kitty Kahane’s Tarot. It was created by Kitty Kahane, with the instruction manual written by Lilo Schwartz. My copy was published in 2006 by AGM.

5 Points About This Deck

  1. Artwork: The images in the Kitty Kahane Tarot are delightful … or at least I think so. Cartoon style line drawings in dark, rich pastels. The images are quirky for sure, and that’s exactly what I like about them.
  2. Tarot Structure: The Kitty Kahane Tarot basically follows the Rider-Waite-Smith (RWS) concepts, but of course, with a twist. The key elements of the RWS imagery are represented, but with something extra in most … like a bird man in the Empress card, or the additional people walking in the Tower, or the shouting heads on the 7 of Wands … all sorts of little extras that I just love.
  3. #8 / #11: Though it mostly follows the RWS structure, the Kitty Kahane Tarot associates #8 with Justice and #11 with Strength as per the Thoth and Marseille Tarots.
  4. Readability: Since it follows the RWS system, anyone familiar with those concepts is likely to feel comfortable with the Kitty Kahane Tarot … but even without knowing any Tarot system, between the images on the cards, and the instruction manual, it’s a fairly easy deck to read. The pictures tell a great story and there are plenty of symbols to work with.
  5. Instruction Manual: Lilo Schwartz’s instruction book is excellent, with not only evocative descriptions for each card, but also a key phrase, and a quote from each central character in each card. She’s also included some basic reading instructions and some fun spreads.

I like the Kitty Kahane deck a lot. Looking at it now reminds me that I should be using it more.

The Tarot of the New Vision – a deck review

October 10th, 2024 § Comments Off on The Tarot of the New Vision – a deck review § permalink

Tarot of the New Vision by Pietro Allego, Raul Cestaro, Gianluca Cestaro, published by Lo Scarabeo

The next pull from Georgie’s Magic Card Collection is the Tarot of the New Vision, created by Pietro Allego with artwork by Raul Cestaro and Gianluca Cestaro. My copies (I’ve got two – one standard, one mini) were published by Lo Scarabeo in 2003.

5 Points About This Deck

  1. New Vision: If you jumped into the standard Rider-Waite-Smith (RWS) deck and looked around at what you don’t see pictured in the regular cards … what’s off camera so to speak, that’s the ‘new vision’ of the Tarot of the New Vision. It shows us what might be behind the scenes, a 180 degree spin on what’s familiar.
  2. Artwork: As might be expected, given the new vision, the artwork of the Tarot of the New Vision is very RWSesque, though perhaps a little more moody, slightly darker, with a bit of a sombre feel.
  3. Readability: If you’re familiar with the RWS deck, you’ll have no trouble at all with the Tarot of the New Vision. It incorporates all of the traditional meanings from RWS, but just adds a few new elements – people, situations, and symbols. Each new piece adds a new perspective for your readings.
  4. Twins: This next point is not really about the deck, so much as it is about the deck making. The Tarot of the New Vision is sort of like a non-identical twin of the RWS Tarot … and it was drawn/painted by twins!! Raul and Gianluca Cestaro are not only brothers, but twin brothers!! It’s silly, I know, but I just love that.
  5. Plays Well With Others: Specifically, I mean the Tarot of the New Vision is a fabulous companion to the RWS Tarot when doing readings. Mixing both decks together, and pulling from the new merged deck is really fun. (NB. Since the two decks have different backs, if you try this at home, you’ll have to close your eyes while pulling your cards).

If you’re a fan of the RWS Tarot, the Tarot of the New Vision might seem a little disconcerting at first (or at least it was for me) … but with just a little play, I came to really like it. Maybe you will too.

Tarot of Love – a deck review

September 17th, 2024 § Comments Off on Tarot of Love – a deck review § permalink

Tarot of Love, designed by Marcia Perry

The next pull from Georgie’s Magic Card Collection is the Tarot of Love. The cards were designed by Marcia Perry, while the Little White Book (LWB) was written by Wolfing von Rohr and Gayan S. Winter. The deck was published by AG Muller, and my copy seems to be from 1991.

5 Points About This Deck

  1. Theme: There’s a very clear theme … this is a Tarot of Love, and its focus is on relationships. If you’re interested in other topics, no harm in asking this deck, but don’t be surprised if you find it trying to turn the conversation back to love.
  2. Major Arcana: To start, instead of 21 Major Arcana cards, Tarot of Love has an extra card – #22 Soul Mates. The deck also breaks with tradition in the naming of many of the Major Arcana. In some cases the new names kind of follow the norm, ex. the Empress is the Mother, the Emperor, the Father. For others though, there’s a bigger break from what’s customary … for instance, the Chariot is Companionship, Strength is Climax, and the Devil is called Entanglement,
  3. Minor Arcana: Rods, Lightening, Blossoms, and Nuggets replace the more traditional suits of Wands, Swords, Cups, and Disks/Pentacles.
  4. Artwork: The artwork is sweet, bright and bold, yet somewhat gentle … leaning more toward the symbolic than the figurative.
  5. Readability: Tarot of Love might be a little more difficult to read without a Tarot system than some other decks, but the images do tell their own stories, and the LWB is quite comprehensive.

And one more point … though the box the Tarot of Love comes in is not my favourite (it’s actually falling apart and I’ve had to tape it), the card stock of the cards themselves is excellent, and that matters a whole lot more than a box.

All in all, it’s a lovely deck.

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