Moon in Libra – High Priestess in Justice’s Clothing

June 30th, 2017 § Comments Off on Moon in Libra – High Priestess in Justice’s Clothing § permalink

The High Priestess in Justice's Clothing

The Moon moves into Libra today, and will stay there until Sunday.

Looking at this transit through the lens of the Tarot, it would be like the High Priestess is wearing Justice’s clothing. She takes on the mantle of the Karmic Decider.

With the High Priestess as Justice, or the Moon in Libra, we might be required to face up to something and decide.

Our emotions will demand respect. If we’ve leaned too far back or forward, we’ll probably find ourselves moving just as dramatically the other way.

It can be a slightly challenging period, perhaps a little manic. But by the time it’s done, something is likely to have been decided upon.

Don’t be alarmed by conflicting emotions. They’re there because you can see both sides. It’s not good enough though to just acknowledge them and walk away.

During this transit you’re being asked to take a stand one way or another. And you’ve got the wisdom and power to do so.

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Tarot Card of the Day – 6/30/17

June 30th, 2017 § Comments Off on Tarot Card of the Day – 6/30/17 § permalink

#7 The Chariot from Georgie's Tarot

#7 The Chariot

Friday, June 30, 2017
#7 – The Chariot

Today you’ll likely see some movement. The Chariot is the card of change, the card that takes you places.  Having finally determined the direction you’d like to go, now is the time to get cracking and go there.

Changing jobs, moving house or some sort of travel are the larger manifestations of the Chariot energy.  Sometimes though, it might bring no more than a strong desire to redecorate your living room or go for a long drive.

However it plays out, try not to give up if the going gets a little tough. More often then not, just sticking it out and playing for real is all it takes to ensure victory.  You’ve come this far already, why would you give up now?

4 of Swords

June 29th, 2017 § Comments Off on 4 of Swords § permalink

A Graffiti 4 of Swords …

Tarot Card of the Day – 6/29/17

June 29th, 2017 § Comments Off on Tarot Card of the Day – 6/29/17 § permalink

Page of Disks from Georgie's Tarot

Page of Disks

Thursday, June 29, 2017
Page of Disks

It’s time to get down to the details.  A new project is in the works and you’ve got the task of making it happen – or at least starting the process off.

Keep the reason you’re doing it in mind – that’s the fire that drives the whole enterprise.

If the less than exciting details are getting you down, remember that it’s the details that build the foundation to any project.

Don’t be afraid to sludge and trudge on through.  It’ll be worth it in the end.

Moon in Virgo – High Priestess in the Hermit’s Clothing

June 28th, 2017 § Comments Off on Moon in Virgo – High Priestess in the Hermit’s Clothing § permalink

The High Priestess wearing the Hermit's clothing

The Moon moves into Virgo today and will be there until Friday.

From a Tarot perspective, you might think of this transit as the High Priestess wearing the Hermit’s clothes. She’s putting on her cowl.

The Moon in Virgo, or High Priestess in the Hermit’s clothing, is a time for practical, quiet reflection. Seeking the advice of an expert, and listening carefully to what they have to say could be worthwhile.

Or maybe someone will be asking you for your advice.

Your home is more important now than the outside world. Start thinking how to make it more practical. You might not be ready to do the work just yet, but this is a great time to plan.

Emotionally, it’s a time of calm. Perfect for listening and reflecting rather than acting out in passion. Take your time. There’s no rush.

Study, organization, contemplation, solitude, emotional self-reflection. Don’t be afraid to be alone right now. There’s lot’s to do on your own.

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Tarot Card of the Day – 6/28/17

June 28th, 2017 § Comments Off on Tarot Card of the Day – 6/28/17 § permalink

3 of Disks from Georgie's Tarot

3 of Disks

Wednesday, June 28, 2017
3 of Disks

You’ve been working hard and the people that matter are starting to take notice.  Take pride in doing a good job.

You’re becoming a master at your trade, and mastery requires not only technical skill, but also an appreciation for the art in what you do.

When you care about your job or the tasks you’ve taken on, the work involved is rarely a chore.  Look at your tasks as the creative processes they are.

Whatever you’re doing, you’re creating something, bringing something new into the world.  Consider your role as creator with the seriousness it deserves.

You’re becoming very good at what you’ve been working hard on.  Congratulations, keep it up.

A Little Self-Care

June 27th, 2017 § Comments Off on A Little Self-Care § permalink

Here’s a sweet new deck by Anastasia ‘Deja’ Osbourne – My Quality Time Self-Care Deck. It’s not so much a Tarot deck as it is a collection of ways to take care of yourself … especially if you’re a lady, but men can use it too!

Take a look at the video below, and/or visit My Quality Time Self-Care Deck project page or Deja’s website to learn more …

Tarot Card of the Day – 6/27/17

June 27th, 2017 § Comments Off on Tarot Card of the Day – 6/27/17 § permalink

#3 The Empress from Georgie's Tarot

#3 The Empress

Tuesday, June 27, 2017
#3 – The Empress

Creation and the celebration of the senses are highlighted today.  Art, food, music – anything that inspires our physical and emotional selves will inspire you and be well worth the time.

Nurture yourself and others.  It’ll probably be hard not to.  Nurturance isn’t just a luxury.  You need to maintain and even increase your strength in order to create what you’ve been working on. Eat delicious, healthy foods, surround yourself with beauty, take warm, aromatic baths . . . it’s all part of the Empress’ path to creation.

If you’ve been dealing with issues surrounding motherhood, women, or femininity in general, this would be a great day to take a closer look.  There’s wonderful energy now to help you resolve issues you might have thought irresolvable.

The Emperor

June 26th, 2017 § Comments Off on The Emperor § permalink

I just love this swinging Graffiti Emperor …

Tarot Card of the Day – 6/26/17

June 26th, 2017 § Comments Off on Tarot Card of the Day – 6/26/17 § permalink

#5 The Hierophant from Georgie's Tarot

#5 The Hierophant

Monday, June 26, 2017
#5 – The Hierophant

Spiritual questions and tradition are highlighted during this period.  It’s probably important to you now to look carefully at the spiritual structures in your life.  Why do you believe what you do?  Who are your spiritual authorities and what gives them their legitimacy?  Who decides issues of morality for you, your family and/or your community?

Many of these questions are answered with cultural traditions. Today, you’ll probably be examining whether or not the answers you’re accustomed to are still satisfactory.  They might be or they might not be.  Don’t be afraid to seek out your truth simply because it rubs against your comfort zone.  Sometimes growth hurts a bit.

You might be asked to judge someone else’s dispute, or find the need to go to an authority for answers yourself.  Keep your mind open, but your skepticism on.  Ultimately, you’re the only one who can decide whether something makes sense for your life or not.

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