April 30th, 2013 § § permalink
Presently, it’s illegal to tell fortunes in St. Louis , Missouri, but that could all change soon.
According to St. Louis Today, Alderman Shane Cohn has introduced a bill to repeal his city’s rather complicated-sounding ban on divination.
As it stands now, the law forbids the
“… profession or art of fortuneteller, clairvoyant, spirit medium, necromancer, seer, astrologist, palmist, prophet or other like crafty or occult art, or art of divination, or pretended art of telling past events of another’s life or affairs; of foretelling knowledge of future events of another’s life or affairs; of in anywise revealing things of the past, the future, of a secret or hidden nature; of giving advice or assistance in matters of business or affairs of any other kind or nature by means of such art; or of purporting so to tell, foretell, reveal or give advice or assistance by means of such art.”
Back in 1994, an earlier Alderman made a similar attempt to repeal the law but was unsuccessful. Hopefully, this time round, Alderman Cohn will succeed.
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April 30th, 2013 § § permalink

Ace of Wands
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Ace of Wands
The flame has been ignited and there’s a new feeling floating around. This is a day to let inspiration lead the way.
Throw out your old excuses and start something you really care about. Passion and fire are what motivates the soul and it’s time to listen to yours.
You might not yet know what’s different but you know your old way of doing things is no longer possible. A new spirit has been planted and you can probably feel the excitement beginning to build.
Whatever it is that moves you with enthusiasm should be your starting point. Being true to your spirit isn’t being selfish. It’s what makes you fully human.
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April 29th, 2013 § § permalink

The Moon moves into Capricorn today and will stay there until Wednesday.
If you were to describe this transit using the Tarot, you might say that the High Priestess is wearing the Devil’s clothing. The virginal goddess has gotten downright beastly.
The Moon in Capricorn, or High Priestess in the Devil’s clothing, is a period of potential internal conflict. The physical world might seem to draw you away from what you typically believe to be right.
You might feel driven or compelled by behaviours and attitudes that go against the grain of your morality. It could be liberating or disturbing, depending on your secrets.
Whatever’s going on though, don’t be too hard on yourself. Get obsessions out of your system, and learn what you can about yourself while you do so.
You should be ready to move on soon. There’s nothing wrong with a little focused physicality. Just don’t get stuck.
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April 29th, 2013 § § permalink

9 of Disks
Monday, April 29, 2013
9 of Disks
You’ve worked hard for your keep, with discipline and perseverance. Physically, some important goals are finally being achieved.
You’re moving towards a place where you feel more at ease, towards a practical stability. The fruits of your labour can now be recognized and finally enjoyed.
Take some time today to quietly congratulate yourself. You’ve worked hard and deserve what you’ve received. Though the road hasn’t always been easy, developing patience and inner strength will prove well worth it.
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April 28th, 2013 § § permalink

Here’s a sweet video called Stranded, by Donia Liechti.
The main character reminds me of the Page of Cups, innocent and happy until he finds himself up against a trouble-making bird who wants to steal his fish.

The Page of Cups then turns briefly into the Page of Wands. But like all the pages, he’s still just learning.
It’ll take him a while yet until he achieves full mastery of his element.
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April 28th, 2013 § § permalink

#17 The Star
Sunday, April 28, 2013
#17 – The Star
Optimism and rejuvenation are the themes for the day. Active generosity and compassion come easy so don’t hold back. Give and you will receive.
Embrace the Universe’s capacity to provide you with what you need when you need it most. That’s what miracles are and the Star is the goddess of miracles.
If things have been tough lately, now’s a time when you can finally lean back and take a bit of a break. Surround yourself with as much beauty as you can. It will help to replenish your soul.
Art, music, and the glory of the night sky are all worthy subjects of meditation. Let them fill you with the inspiration you need for the next leg of your journey.
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April 27th, 2013 § § permalink

High Priestess as Temperance
The Moon moves into Sagittarius today and will be there until Monday.
Looking at it through the eyes of the Tarot, you can describe this transit as being like the High Priestess wearing Temperance’s clothing. She’s dressed like an angel.
The Moon in Sagittarius, or High Priestess in Temperance’s clothing, indicates a time when intellect, practicality, emotions and passion can work together in relative ease.
What’s normally only an idea might find its way to becoming real. Even-tempered inspiration and emotional playfulness can create what look like miracles.
Take this time to bring your emotions in line with your passions. And play with your most serious ideas. It’s in combining the unexpected that you’ll likely find gold.
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April 27th, 2013 § § permalink

0 The Fool
Saturday, April 27, 2013
#0 – The Fool
This is a great day to take the leap and do something different. It might seem crazy and you have no idea how it’s going to turn out, or maybe even how you got on this path in the first place, but here you are. It’s time to make your move and do so without fear.
The Fool card isn’t telling you to be an idiot, but rather to stop double thinking yourself all the time and worrying that every single thing is in order before you can make a move.
Life isn’t really that logical. There’s no way to prepare for all eventualities, no matter how smart you are. Do what you can and let the universe take care of the bigger story.
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April 26th, 2013 § § permalink
Theresa Pridemore from Portland, Oregon is making a fabulous new deck dedicated to her beloved city.
The Portland Tarot is a digital photo collage deck, focusing on the people, places and quirks of Portland.
As you can see by the cards though, you don’t have to know anything about Portland to enjoy this deck.
The images tell their own story, and as Pridemore herself says it, they’re “subversive, whimsical and dangerously charming.”
Visit her Kickstarter page to learn more about the project. You might even want to donate and get a deck for yourself.
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April 26th, 2013 § § permalink

4 of Wands
Friday, April 26, 2013
4 of Wands
Gather and celebrate! It’s a day to enjoy what you’ve been working on. The project might not yet be finished, but at least you’re on your way. Well done! You have reason to smile.
Follow your passion and create from the heart. It doesn’t matter if you don’t know how it will all turn out, just keep at it. The hard work’s been paying off, and you can take a moment to enjoy before heading on to the next step.
But don’t forget, you probably aren’t doing all the work yourself. Share the glory or you’ll be hearing about it later.
4 of wands – animated
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