A Couple of Graffiti Lovers …
The Lovers
January 31st, 2021 § Comments Off on The Lovers § permalink
Tarot Card of the Day – 1/31/21
January 31st, 2021 § Comments Off on Tarot Card of the Day – 1/31/21 § permalink
Sunday, January 31, 2021
8 of Disks
Get down to work. Nothing exciting going on, except maybe the chance to get more done than you thought you would.
Follow the template and don’t worry about being particularly innovative today. It’s probably more important to just get it done.
To motivate yourself try remembering that what you’re working on now is setting you up for your future. Put in the effort and it’ll ultimately pay off.
Moon in Virgo – High Priestess in the Hermit’s Clothing
January 30th, 2021 § Comments Off on Moon in Virgo – High Priestess in the Hermit’s Clothing § permalink
The Moon moved into Virgo and will be there until Monday.
From a Tarot perspective, you might think of this transit as the High Priestess wearing the Hermit’s clothes. She’s putting on her cowl.
The Moon in Virgo, or High Priestess in the Hermit’s clothing, is a time for practical, quiet reflection. Seeking the advice of an expert, and listening carefully to what they have to say could be worthwhile.
Or maybe someone will be asking you for your advice.
Your home is more important now than the outside world. Start thinking how to make it more practical. You might not be ready to do the work just yet, but this is a great time to plan.
Emotionally, it’s a time of calm. Perfect for listening and reflecting rather than acting out in passion. Take your time. There’s no rush.
Study, organization, contemplation, solitude, emotional self-reflection. Don’t be afraid to be alone right now. There’s lot’s to do on your own.
Tarot Card of the Day – 1/30/21
January 30th, 2021 § Comments Off on Tarot Card of the Day – 1/30/21 § permalink
Saturday, January 30, 2021
#8 – Justice
Today’s themes are balance and justice. It might be time to stand up or into your own authority by being strong, sure and most importantly, just. This isn’t the time to play around and think you’ll get away with not doing your share. On the other hand, if you do the work required, the Justice energy is happy to reward you.
Have you been playing fair? It’s not so much about the mundane rules as it is about the bigger universal justice. And it’s not necessarily about ‘work’ per se, but rather the energies that you’ve been putting out there. Are you speaking up for what you believe in? Are you taking responsibility for your own life? Do you help others as you might expect them to help you?
What you send out is what you’re likely to get back. This is karma in action and it’s generally quite profound. On days when the Justice card appears, the karmic force is typically more obvious than usual. Look around and see if you can find it.
Take time to rebalance yourself, and if possible, find some time to get out into nature. It usually puts things into perspective pretty fast. Think carefully about your next move. It’s what you’ve already done that has brought you to where you are now. What you do next will determine what you’ll be reaping in your future. Try to make it something good for everyone.
2 of Cups
January 29th, 2021 § Comments Off on 2 of Cups § permalink
A Graffiti 2 of Cups …
Tarot Card of the Day – 1/29/21
January 29th, 2021 § Comments Off on Tarot Card of the Day – 1/29/21 § permalink
Friday, January 29, 2021
Page of Cups
Sweetness abounds when the Page of Cups is around. This is a great day to communicate emotions – enthusiastically and without censor, especially to those you love.
There’s a lightness in the air and the sense that something new could be starting. And it just might be.
It’s good to remember though, that there’s no need for you to commit to anything serious right now. It’s still the time of freshness and beginnings. Becoming heavy now would only dampen what’s still just growing.
Express yourself and let your imagination wander.
Moon in Leo – High Priestess in Strength’s Clothing
January 28th, 2021 § Comments Off on Moon in Leo – High Priestess in Strength’s Clothing § permalink
The Moon moves into Leo today and stays there until Saturday.
Translated into Tarot cards, this transit would be like the High Priestess is wearing Strength’s clothing. She’s thrown off her heavy cape and is spending some time outside with her lion.
The Moon in Leo, or High Priestess in Strength’s clothing is potentially a time of emotional power. Something beautiful that’s usually under wraps can finally be revealed.
The silence is broken. Quiet wisdom and passion can be united. During this time, it might be difficult to keep your ideas to yourself. But why should you?
Try finding an outlet for plans you’ve been sitting on? This is an opportunity to shine if you’re not over-burdened by self-consciousness.
It might feel a little uncomfortable at first, but letting your wilder side out right now could be positive. The sun isn’t always shining. Take advantage of it when it does.
Tarot Card of the Day – 1/28/21
January 28th, 2021 § Comments Off on Tarot Card of the Day – 1/28/21 § permalink
Thursday, January 28, 2021
Prince of Wands
Charge forward with strength and vitality. This is a day of power, passion and growing energy. Your plan is in place and now’s the time to take it to the next step. Use your internal fire to take you where you’re trying to go.
You don’t need to wait till everything’s perfect to start moving. In fact, more often than not, things don’t start falling where they should until you start shifting them up and get some excitement going. Take a chance that you know what you’re doing and act on it. Believe in yourself and don’t be shy.
January 27th, 2021 § Comments Off on Temperance § permalink
A Graffiti Temperance Angel …
Tarot Card of the Day – 1/27/21
January 27th, 2021 § Comments Off on Tarot Card of the Day – 1/27/21 § permalink
Wednesday, January 27, 2021
#9 – The Hermit
You might find yourself wanting to spend some time alone today. It’s probably a good idea. Take time to look within and see what’s up inside your soul.
Have things been moving pretty fast lately? Don’t worry, it’s finally going to slow down a bit, giving you a moment to clean house and tie up loose ends.
Trust your own experience through this period. It’s through an examination of your own personal journey that you’ll discover your inner wisdom. You probably know a lot more then you give yourself credit for. But you might need some silence to notice.
Give yourself permission to be quiet. You won’t be missing anything by taking a break. It’ll only make things more fun when you finally re-emerge from your cave.