Caravan of See'ers …

August 29th, 2013 § 2 comments § permalink

All playing cards can be used for divining, but Jennifer Kast has gone ahead and designed a playing card deck meant especially for just that.

She’s created the Caravan of See’ers Fortune Telling Playing Cards, two different decks, a Blue one and a Red one.

On the Novice-Blue Deck, she’s written the oracular meanings right on the cards, while just the key word meanings have been inscribed on her Intuitive-Red Deck.

Shadow-like images on the cards also tell a story, one that’s upright, and one that’s reversed.

Both decks, of course, can be used for all of your regular card gaming needs. The only difference is that these cards are a little more overtly oracular than most.

Take a look at the video below to see images of the Red Deck. And visit her Kickstarter project page to learn more about both.

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