Beyond Worlds – More Meditation Moments

August 12th, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink

Beyond Worlds is on holiday again this week, but don’t be bummed out!

If you need your Tarot fix, why not use the opportunity to listen to some Beyond World’s Meditation Moments.

I’ve posted Episode #4 from earlier this year below. In it, Theresa Reed, aka The Tarot Lady, talks with Donnaleigh de LaRose about meditation, yoga, and Tarot.

With her many years of experience in all three areas, Theresa offers a unique insight into bringing them all together into one powerful practice.

And if you want to hear more, there’s a complete list of all the Meditation Moments at Donnaleigh’s website.

Since I last posted about them, there’s been new episodes with Matt Williams, Barbara Moore, Chanah Liora Wizenberg, and Anita Perez.

I’ve got some catching up to do myself!! But I’m looking forward to it.

Beyond Worlds will be back with our next live Tarot Intensive, Sunday, August. 19th. Hope to see you there!

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Beyond Worlds – Meditation Moments

November 1st, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

Tarot is amazing for seeking out answers, digging through issues, or divining potentials for the future. But it can also be used as a tool for release.

Donnaleigh de LaRose has started a new Beyond Worlds series called Meditation Moments meant to uncover the quieter side of the cards, and in turn, the quiet within yourself.

All sorts of meditation techniques are out there, no one being inherently better than the other. It’s a matter of finding what works best for you.

And in that spirit, Donnaleigh is inviting different guest meditators to teach a variety of techniques, all utilizing the Tarot.

She’ll be adding more segments regularly, interspersed with the other shows. And from what I hear, she’s already got 20 new ones in the works.

To see when a new segment is posted, you can visit the Beyond Worlds show page, or go to Donnaleigh’s website where she updates the list as segments get posted.

I’ve embeded the third installment of the series below. It features HIC leading a powerful meditation for releasing tough emotions.

In this one he tackles sadness, but you can use the technique to address any issue you’re dealing with.

Listen to internet radio with Beyond Worlds Tarot on Blog Talk Radio

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