Tarot Card of the Day – 10/17/10

October 17th, 2010 § 0 comments § permalink

3 - the empress

#3 - The Empress

Sunday, October 17, 2010
#3 – Th
e Empress

Creation and the celebration of the senses are highlighted today.  Art, food, music – anything that inspires our physical and emotional selves will inspire you and be well worth the time.

Nurture yourself and others.  It’ll probably be hard not to.  Nurturance isn’t just a luxury.  You need to maintain and even increase your strength in order to birth what you’ve been working on. Eat delicious, healthy foods, surround yourself with beauty, take warm, aromatic baths . . . it’s all part of the Empress’ path to creation.

If you’ve been dealing with issues surrounding motherhood, women, or femininity in general, this would be a great day to take a closer look.  There’s wonderful energy now to help you resolve issues you might have thought irresolvable

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