Beyond World with Marcus Katz – Tarot Face To Face

June 24th, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink

Tarot Turn (Reversals) Vol 1 by Marcus Katz and Tali Goodwin

I just posted an interview the other day with Marcus Katz, the co-director of Tarot Professionals.

This afternoon, we have the good fortune of interviewing him ourselves on Beyond Worlds.

He’ll be talking with us about some of the Tarot reading methods found in his new book Tarot Face to Face, including using reversals, reading for cynics, creating oracular sentences, exquisite corpses, the Dwayne’s Boomerang Spread, and the Literal Lenormand Method.

Katz will also tell us about his other new book, Tarot Turn (Reversals) Vol. 1.

Also co-edited with Tali Goodwin, Tarot Turn is part of a three volume collaborative effort of 140 different Tarot readers from around the world.

Each reader was given a single card and was asked to write a description of how that card interacts with each of the other 77 cards in the deck.

As can be imagined, it was an enormous project and has manifested in some pretty gigantic books. This first volume alone is 569 pages. It features 3,388 pairings of the Major Arcana – all 22 cards, upright and reversed.

It also includes disaffirmations for all 78 cards, spreads, reading techniques, as well as some mini-essays about reversals from people like Barbara Moore and Robert M. Place.

Join Donnaleigh de LaRose and myself to hear more about this incredible Tarot reference work and how to read Tarot Face to Face.

We’ll be live in the chat room, or you can call in at (646) 200-0765 to listen.

Beyond Worlds with Marcus Katz – Tarot Face to Face
Sunday, June 24, 2012
2:00 pm ET (11:00 pm PT)

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