The video below is a trailer for the documentary Kypris: The Aphrodite of Cyprus Revealed.
The whole film hasn’t actually been completed yet, but filmmaker Stavros Papageorghiou is hoping his IndieGoGo campaign will help get it done. And I hope so too, it looks really interesting.
The film is an exploration of Aphrodite, the goddess of love and fertility, who according to some legends, was born in Cyprus, where she’s still worshipped today.
Papageorghiou wants to shine light on the mythology, history, and archeological discoveries surrounding this beautiful ancient goddess, not to mention, take a look at her modern day worshippers.
The Empress
In Tarot, the spirit of Aphrodite can be found in all of the female Major Arcana, but I think she’s most evident in the Empress, the Grand Mother of the deck.
The Empress represents love, abundance, and fertile creativity. She is beauty and compassion, nurturance, and celebration.
And not surprisingly, Venus is the planet astrologically aligned with the Empress, a planet named for the Roman incarnation of Aphrodite.
Take a look at Papageorghiou’s video and see what you think, or visit his page to learn more.
And as I like to do when I’m home, I’m running around with my camera, looking for Tarot symbols in the streets.
I started making a San Francisco deck last year while I was here, and I’d love to finish it this time round. But these hills are daunting, and I’ve got so many pictures to find.
It might take another visit to finish the job, but that would be okay. I’ll be more than happy to come back.
Here are a couple of shots I took last year. One might end up the Empress, and the other, the Lovers.
Creation and the celebration of the senses are highlighted today. Art, food, music – anything that inspires our physical and emotional selves will inspire you and be well worth the time.
Nurture yourself and others. It’sll probably be hard not to. Nurturance isn’t just a luxury. You need to maintain and even increase your strength in order to birth what you’ve been working on. Eat delicious, healthy foods, surround yourself with beauty, take warm, aromatic baths . . . it’s all part of the Empress’ path to creation.
If you’ve been dealing with issues surrounding motherhood, women, or femininity in general, this would be a great day to take a closer look. There’s wonderful energy now to help you resolve issues you might have thought irresolvable.