Rare Fortune-Teller Worth a Fortune

September 8th, 2011 § 0 comments § permalink

It doesn’t give readings anymore, but this old machine is probably the most expensive fortune-teller in the world, and maybe the last of its kind.

It’s a ‘verbal’ fortune-teller, who spoke the fate of her customers rather than simply dispensing a card.

Unlike the more common Zoltar, the 100 year old Gypsy would flash her eyes, chatter her teeth, and speak fortunes from a hidden record player.

Quietly on display for years at Bob’s Place in Virginia City, Montana, the machine has recently become a hot commodity.

Magician, David Copperfield is rumoured to have offered nearly $2 million for it, as well as promising to replace it with another, and to promote Virginia City in ads.

And Theo Holstein, a California collector, is trying to gather investors to make a $3 million bid, though he admits it might ultimately be worth over $10 million.

He thinks it’s wasted where it is and believes it can only get the care it needs in a private collection.

The Gypsy is officially the property of the State of Montana, under the supervision of the Montana Heritage Commssion. At least for now, they have no intention of letting her go.

But with big cuts at the Commission, the Department of Commerce isn’t closed to the idea of selling. If the price is right, they might just consider it.

Till then though, the Gypsy sits as the centerpiece of the Gypsy Arcade, Queen of the Ghost-town. And who knows, maybe one day she’ll speak again.

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